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Institutions for governing biodiversity offsetting: An analysis of rights and responsibilities

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019

Offsets for compensating biodiversity loss are increasingly suggested as a system for allocating responsibilities onto those actors who contribute to the loss. As the mechanism is outlined as a new opportunity, the expectations need to be analyzed relative to the ensuing changes in rights and responsibilities over biodiversity degradation, conservation and restoration. In this paper we conduct an analysis of rights and responsibilities using literature and empirical material.

The ‘new’ African customary land tenure. Characteristic, features and policy implications of a new paradigm

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019
Central African Republic

Most of the land in sub-Saharan Africa is governed under various forms of customary tenure. Over the past three decades a quiet paradigm shift has been taking place transforming the way such landl is governed. Driven in part by adaptations to changing context but also accelerated by neo-liberal reforms, this shift has created a ‘new’ customary tenure in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper reviews some of the evidence and analyses the ways in which this neo-liberalisation of customary tenure has been transforming relations of production and how land is governed in sub-Saharan Africa.

Can economic and environmental benefits associated with agricultural intensification be sustained at high population densities? A farm level empirical analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019

Boserup’s pioneering theory holds that rising population density can be accompanied by sustainable agricultural intensification. But can this positive relationship be sustained indefinitely, or are there conditions under which rising population density can lead to declining agricultural productivity? This study utilizes survey data on farm households in Kenya and soil samples on their main maize plots to assess whether Boserupian agricultural intensification is sustainable at high population densities.

The effect of irrigation service delivery and training in agronomy on crop choice in Tajikistan

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019

The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of irrigation delivery services and agricultural extension services on crop choice in southern Tajikistan. This analysis is motivated by the government’s recent efforts to address the country’s severe malnutrition problem by supporting changes in irrigation service delivery and agronomy to increase diversity in agricultural production and consumption, in an environment where the cultivation of cotton had, until recently, been mandatory.

UK Food Security and Climate Change

januari, 2019

This primer explains the current situation concerning the United Kingdom’s food supply and how this is likely to change in the medium and long term as a result of climate change. It discusses likely threats to UK food security emerging from a range of potential warming scenarios and the current policy debate on how to address them effectively.

La foresterie communautaire

Reports & Research
januari, 2019
Afrique centrale

Cette note thématique rédigée à l’initiative de Fern, a été élaborée dans le cadre de l’initiative CoNGOs (Collaboration d’ONG en faveur de moyens de subsistance durables et équitables dans les forêts du bassin du Congo) qui plaide pour une « foresterie communautaire »1 à travers laquelle les communautés ont le droit de gérer les ressources forestières dont elles dépendent, en vue d’améliorer leurs conditions de vie et en particulier celles des femmes.

Guidelines for Impact Evaluation of Land Tenure and Governance Interventions

Reports & Research
januari, 2019

The overall objective of the Guidelines for Impact Evaluation of Land Tenure and Governance Interventions is to inform and strengthen the design and implementation of future land tenure and governance interventions to best support lasting tenure security and achieve related impacts on poverty, food security, gender equality, environmental sustainability and security.

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), Aichi Target 11 and Canada’s Pathway to Target 1: Focusing Conservation on Reconciliation

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019

This article provides analysis of the issues relating to movement towards new models for Indigenous-led conservation in light of Canada’s initiatives for greater protected areas representation through Target 1. We provide a background on Canada’s Pathway to Target 1, which is based on Target 11 from the Aichi Biodiversity Targets set forth by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Conservation through Biocultural Heritage—Examples from Sub-Saharan Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa

In this paper, we review the potential of biocultural heritage in biodiversity protection and agricultural innovation in sub-Saharan Africa. We begin by defining the concept of biocultural heritage into four interlinked elements that are revealed through integrated landscape analysis. This concerns the transdisciplinary methods whereby biocultural heritage must be explored, and here we emphasise that reconstructing landscape histories and documenting local heritage values needs to be an integral part of the process.

Can Multifunctional Landscapes Become Effective Conservation Strategies? Challenges and Opportunities From a Mexican Case Study

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019

Protected Areas (PA) are the main strategy for nature conservation. However, PA are not always efficient for ecological conservation and social wellbeing. A possible alternative for conservation in human-dominated landscapes are Multifunctional Landscapes (ML), which allow the coexistence of multiple objectives, such as nature conservation and resource use. Using the activity system framework, we analyzed whether the ML concept was an operative alternative to PA within an area of interest for conservation in Veracruz, Mexico.