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Estrategia Nacional de Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas 2017.

National Policies
februari, 2017
El Salvador

La Estrategia Nacional de Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas se enmarca en el Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) del MAG, denominado “Agricultura para el Buen Vivir” (una de cuyas prioridades sentar las bases para la adaptación del sector agropecuario al cambio climático) y en los lineamientos plasmados en el Plan Quinquenal de Desarrollo 2014-2019, que establece en su Objetivo 7 la ejecución de acciones que permitan al país transitar hacia una economía y sociedad ambientalmente sustentable y resilientes a los efectos del cambio climático.

Modalities for Scaling up Sustainable Land Management and Restoration of Degraded Land

Reports & Research
februari, 2017

To tackle inter-connected global challenges of population growth and migration, climate change, biodiversity loss, and degrading land and water resources, changes in land use and management are needed at a global scale. There are hundreds of options that can improve the sustainability of land management and prevent or reverse degradation, but there are almost as many socio-cultural, institutional and policy barriers preventing their adoption at scale.

Analysing behavioural differences of farm households: An example of income diversification strategies based on European farm survey data

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2017
United States of America

Different forms of income diversification represent important strategies of farmers to either cope with the changing economic framework conditions or to valorise given territorial potentialities. Nevertheless, the decision to diversify economic activities on or off the farm will heavily depend on the agricultural business and household characteristics. Our study used a survey of 2154 farms from eleven European regions to identify distinct farm types in order to investigate differences regarding the willingness to diversify in the future.

Land grabbing: A review of extent and possible consequences in Romania

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2017

Land grabbing represents a fundamental problem in the transitional and post-transitional economies. The transfer of land property rights impose a dramatically change of agricultural production structure, including affecting the food safety and security. The main aim of this article is the analysis of the possible effects and transformation imposed by the transfer of land property in a post-transitional agricultural economy and to identify possible solution in valuing the lands as main production factors.

Projected impacts of increased uptake of source control mitigation measures on agricultural diffuse pollution emissions to water and air

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2017
United Kingdom
United States of America

A multi-pollutant modelling framework for England and Wales is described. This includes emissions of nitrate, phosphorus and sediment to water and ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide to air, and has been used to characterise baseline (no uptake of on-farm measures) and business-as-usual (BAU) annual pollutant losses, comparing these with the loss under a range of new policies aimed at increasing the uptake of relevant source control measures to 95% across England and Wales.

Multifunctionality at what scale? A landscape multifunctionality assessment for the European Union under conditions of land use change

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2017

Context: The provision of multiple ecosystem services (ES) within a landscape is commonly referred to as landscape multifunctionality. Modifying landscapes to increase multifunctionality and reduce trade-offs with concurrent services bears the potential to enhance sustainability in human-dominated landscapes. Assessing landscape multifunctionality is thus crucial for land management and planning, but lack of a clear definition and operationalization of multifunctionality impedes comparisons of different study results.

Ministerial Decree № 71 on expansion of green areas.

februari, 2017

This Decree sets forth principles and procedures of provision of planting materials, equipment and all mechanical and chemical means necessary for cultivation to the community, municipalities and civil society organizations on a complimentary basis. This Decree sets forth provisions on cadastral information, sustainable use, planting materials, protection of environment, land-use planning, soil conservation, pollution control and sanctions.

Implements: Law No. 957-IVQ on conservation of greens. (2014-05-02)

Climate Change Act 2017.

februari, 2017

The purpose of this Act, consisting of 102 sections divided into 11 Parts and completed by one Schedule, is to repeal and re-enact with amendments the Climate Change Act 2010: a) to set a long-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction target; b) to provide for the setting of 5-yearly interim greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in order to reach the long-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction target; c) to facilitate the consideration of climate change issues in specified areas of decision making of the Government of Victoria; d) to set policy objectives and guiding principles to infor

Bodembiodiversiteit op de kaart van Noord-Brabant

februari, 2017

Op verzoek van de provincie Noord-Brabant heeft het RIVM gegevens over de bodembiodiversiteit op kaarten weergegeven. De kaarten zullen aan de Bodemwijzer van de provincie worden toegevoegd. In dit instrument wordt kennis over de bodem verzameld en toegankelijk gemaakt om duurzaam bodemgebruik na te kunnen streven. Hiermee kan namelijk worden geïnventariseerd welke gevolgen nieuwe activiteiten kunnen hebben op de eigenschappen van de bodem, zoals het effect van de grondwaterstand op de aardkundige waarden.

Ecosysteemdiensten als ordenend principe voor duurzaam bodembeheer en gebiedsinrichting : Rekenen met de Triple-O aanpak in het Leiden Bio Science Park

februari, 2017

Het RIVM heeft meegewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een methode waarmee kan worden afgewogen welk bodembeheer en welke ruimtelijke inrichtingsplannen het meest bijdragen aan een 'duurzame' groene infrastructuur in een gebied. Deze zogeheten Triple-O aanpak biedt mogelijkheden om de voordelen die de mens heeft van een natuurlijk systeem (bodem, water en groen, oftewel ecosysteemdiensten) in te zetten bij bodembeheer en gebiedsontwikkeling. Triple-O staat voor Ontdekken, Overeenkomen en Ontwikkelen.