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Modelling Deforestation and Land Cover Transitions of Tropical Peatlands in Sumatra, Indonesia Using Remote Sensed Land Cover Data Sets

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2015

In Southeast Asia land use change associated with forest loss and degradation is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This is of particular concern where deforestation occurs on peat soils. A business-as-usual (BAU) land change model was developed using Dinamica EGO© for a REDD+ Demonstration Activity area in south-east Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia containing Berbak National Park (NP). The model output will be used as baseline land change predictions for comparison with alternative land cover management scenarios as part of a REDD+ feasibility study.

Exploring Long-Term Impact of Grazing Management on Land Degradation in the Socio-Ecological System of Asteroussia Mountains, Greece

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2015

The socio-ecological system dominated by pastureland in the Asteroussia Mountains (Crete, Greece) was analyzed over a long time interval (1945–2010) to identify the most relevant system’s characteristics and changes. Vegetation cover and land-uses have been quantified by analyzing aerial photographs exploring the whole study period. Soil characteristics have been assessed by carrying out an extensive field survey for the last reference year (2010) and by estimating the average soil loss for the past period using the PESERA soil erosion model validated by field measurements.

Socio-Economic and Ecological Impact Study of Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management in Shifting Cultivation Areas of Nagaland

Reports & Research
september, 2015

A biodiversity project in Nagaland is improving the productivity and fertility of the jhum land and fallow areas. The increased productivity has spiked sales of products and the incremented farmer income substantially. The study also highlights how women in Nagaland have been empowered through the project.

Soil nutrient balance, economic performance and scenarios for closing nutrient gaps in heterogeneous smallholder farm systems in south-western Burkina Faso

Conference Papers & Reports
september, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa suffers widespread nutrient mining, raising the problem of insustainable intensification. Understanding the relationship among soil nutrient balance, intensification and farm’s economic performance can help improve the efficiency of policy intervention, as well as contribute to the body of knowledge for farm design. This study’s main objectives were to analyse the soil nutrient balances of different farm types and their linkage with farm economic performances and to evaluate scenarios for replenishing soil nutrients in smallholder farms.

Decision 3/COP.12

UN Resolutions
september, 2015

Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets into the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the Intergovernmental Working Group report on land degradation neutrality

Preservation and development of agricultural land framework bill

Legislation & Policies
september, 2015
South Africa

To provide for definitions of terms used in the Act; to provide for the objects of the Act; to provide for the custodianship of agricultural land; to provide for the application of the Act and the guiding principles of interpretation and implementation of the Act; to provide for agricultural regulation pertaining to subdivision and

Discussion document on the preservation and development of agricultural land

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2015
South Africa

The preservation, development and sustainable use of agricultural land are of vital importance to ensure longterm food security in South Africa. These principles of food security as well as an integrated, inclusive rural economy underpin the core focus areas of the National Development Plan, Vision 2030 (NDP).

Draft preservation and development of agricultural land framework bill

Legislation & Policies
september, 2015
South Africa

To provide for definitions of terms used in the Act; to provide for the objects of the Act; to provide for the custodianship of agricultural land; to provide for the application of the Act and the guiding principles of interpretation and implementation of the Act; to provide for agricultural regulation pertaining to subdivision and

UNICEF: Humanitarian Situation Report #8 (as of 24 Sep 2015)

Reports & Research
september, 2015

Situation Overview: "As sporadic flooding continues
in some areas of Myanmar, the number of
people termporarily
or still
since July continues to grow. As of 21 September, nearly 1.7
million people, including
578,000 children,
have been displaced by flooding and landslides across Myanmar.
The risk of seasonal flooding will continue
through the end of the rainy season in mid-October, with compounded risks of flooding, landslides and strong

Decision No. 1636/QD-TTg approving the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030.

september, 2015

This Decision approves the adjusted and supplemented master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030 with the following principal contents: 1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development of the northern midland and mountainous regions and be in line with sectoral development master plans nationwide. 2.

Chinese firms are still stealing Myanmar’s forests

Reports & Research
september, 2015

WHEN soldiers in Myanmar raided a huge illegal logging site in Kachin, a war-torn northern state, they swooped upon a thousand ill-paid labourers imported from neighbouring Yunnan, a province in China. Some of the Chinese managed to flee into the jungle, surviving for days without food and water before escaping across the border. The unluckiest—more than 150 of them—were arrested and prosecuted. China barked at Myanmar in July, when a court in Kachin state handed most of them life sentences. They were soon pardoned and deported, but only after having spent six months in custody.

ORGANISED CHAOS - The illicit overland timber trade between Myanmar and China (plus video)

Reports & Research
september, 2015

CHINA’S ROLE....."For at least two decades,
timber extracted from Myanmar’s precious frontier forests
in highly destructive logging operations has been flowing
into China unhindered. It is an illicit business worth hundreds
of millions of dollars a year, making it one of the single
largest bilateral flows of illegal timber in the world.
From the outside looking in, the cross-border trade