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UNHCR: Central Area Floods Response Situation Report #5 (as of 14 Sep 2015)

Reports & Research
september, 2015

Disaster overview: "The coordination team
suggests that there are three broad geographic areas.
team has conducted
field trips to
two of these ‘typical’ areas. Many houses in the areas visited are of timber construction but there are
also masonry
and semi masonry buildings.

Chin State: Mountainous
area severely affected by landslide
access issues.
whose houses
were destroyed or are now in unsafe locations
are obliged to find
temporary accommodation

Myanmar third-worst for deforestation rate, says UN

Reports & Research
september, 2015

Myanmar’s forests are in trouble. Two recent reports reveal the rapid loss of tree cover over the past five years has been so severe Myanmar rank...Since 2010, Myanmar has lost more than 546,000 hectares (over 1.3 million acres) of forest on average each year, according to a report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

The chunk of forest lost annually is about the size of fellow ASEAN country Brunei, and over the past five years adds up to the size of Equatorial Guinea.

La apicultura como estrategia de gestión ambiental en la cuenca del Embalse Guaremal, municipio Peña, Estado Yaracuy, Venezuela

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2015

El objetivo del presente estudio fue proponer estrategias de gestión ambiental para la recuperación de la cuenca del embalse Guaremal mediante el desarrollo de sistemas apícolas. Se realizó un relevamiento florístico alrededor de la cuenca tomando en consideración las especies visitadas por las abejas. Se determinaron las especies melíferas más abundantes de la zona en un área mínima de 0,10 ha definida en 7 transectos de 4m de ancho x 50m de largo, distribuidos a lo largo de toda la cuenca.

Assessing the economic benefits of sustainable land management practices in Bhutan:

Reports & Research
september, 2015

This study was conducted with the objective of determining the returns to sustainable land management (SLM) at the national level in Bhutan. The study first uses satellite data on land change (Landsat) to examine land use change in 1990–2010 and its impact on sediment loading in hydroelectric power plants. The study then uses the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to analyze the impact of land use change and land management on sediment loading. The results from the land use change and SWAT analyses are used to assess the economic benefits of SLM.

LAND Project Policy Brief: Wetlands in Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2015

Rwanda has nearly 280,000 hectares of wetlands, almost 11% of the country’s total
area.1 These wetlands provide critical habitats for wildlife and biodiversity, maintain
important hydrologic processes that help to clean and protect ground and surface
water, support a variety of local livelihoods and largely define Rwanda’s idyllic
undulating topography.
2 Despite their ecological and economic importance, Rwanda’s
wetlands are being degraded and lost faster than any other ecosystem, with

Questões sobre o desenvolvimento produtivo de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2015

Nas últimas duas décadas, a economia de Moçambique tem crescido a taxas relativamente elevadas, a uma média anual superior a 7%, quase duas vezes mais depressa do que a média para a África Sub-Sahariana, e continuou a crescer rapidamente mesmo com a crise económica internacional prolongada que tem afectado as economias mais desenvolvidas na última década. Além disso, tornou-se numa das três economias africanas que mais investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) e empréstimos comerciais do sistema financeiro internacional recebe.

Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: Report for policy and decision makers

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
augustus, 2015

Considering the figures given in the foreword and found in the literature about the on-going and increasing degradation of land and land-based ecosystems and their productivity, this indicates a pressing need to re-design current policies and clearly defined guidance for future action for sustainable land management.

Stakeholder perceptions of the effectiveness and efficiency of agri-environment schemes in enhancing pollinators on farmland

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2015
United States of America

In parts of the northern hemisphere, many pollinator species are in decline, with potential adverse implications for pollination and the ecosystem service of food production. It is therefore important to understand how habitats primarily orientated towards food production can be managed in an efficient way to enhance pollinator populations for current and future food security. In Europe, agri-environment schemes are a well-established method for promoting nature conservation on farmland.

Owner or tenant: Who adopts better soil conservation practices?

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2015
Czech Republic

Land tenure security is widely considered to be a fundamental factor in motivating farmers to adopt sustainable land management practices. This study aims to establish whether it is true that owner-operators adopt more effective soil conservation measures than tenant-operators, and whether well-designed agro-environmental instruments can provide sufficiently strong motivation to compensate for the differences between these two groups.

Functional Land Management for managing soil functions: A case-study of the trade-off between primary productivity and carbon storage in response to the intervention of drainage systems in Ireland

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2015
United Kingdom
United States of America

Globally, there is growing demand for increased agricultural outputs. At the same time, the agricultural industry is expected to meet increasingly stringent environmental targets. Thus, there is an urgent pressure on the soil resource to deliver multiple functions simultaneously. The Functional Land Management framework (Schulte et al., 2014) is a conceptual tool designed to support policy making to manage soil functions to meet these multiple demands. This paper provides a first example of a practical application of the Functional Land Management concept relevant to policy stakeholders.

Biocultural Community Protocols: A Toolkit for Community Facilitators

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2015

The toolkit is intended to support communities to secure their rights and responsibilities and strengthen customary ways of life and stewardship of their territories and areas. It is directed primarily towards facilitators from the communities themselves or from supporting organizations with whom they have long-standing and positive relationships.