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Government Regulation on conditions of subsidies for afforestation of agricultural land.

juli, 2015
Czech Republic

This Government Regulation lays down, in accordance with European Union legislation, conditions of subsidies for afforestation of agricultural land. Subsidies are granted under the following measures: (a) establishment of forest stands; (b) care of forests for five calendar years starting in the year following the year when the forest was established; (c) cessation of agricultural production on wooded land for a period of ten calendar years starting in the year following the year when the forest was established.

Act on the Preparation for Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.

juli, 2015
Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Act is to prescribe matters necessary for the observation of, prevention of, provision against, and action against earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano, earthquake-proof measures, and research and technical development to reduce earthquake disasters and volcano disasters in order to protect the life and property of the people and major infrastructure from disasters due to earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano.

Law amending the Law on property rights.

juli, 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Law amends and adds some provisions to the Law on property rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska 124/2008, 58/2009 and 95/2011).Major changes are as follows: (article 346) related to the legal interaction with the principles and provisions of the Law on cadaster; (article 348) immovable property owned by the Republic and/or local self-government units may be alienated below the market price or free of charge and for the realization of an investment project of particular importance for regional or local economic development; (added article 348a) in order to overcome the con

Loi n° 81-12 du 15 juillet 2015 relative au littoral.

juli, 2015

La présente loi établit les principes et les règles fondamentaux d'une gestion intégrée durable du littoral en vue de sa protection, de sa mise en valeur et de sa conservation.Elle a pour objet de : préserver l'équilibre des écosystèmes du littoral, la biodiversité et de protéger le patrimoine naturel et culturel, les sites historiques, archéologiques, écologiques et les paysages naturels ; prévenir, lutter et réduire la pollution et la dégradation du littoral et assurer la réhabilitation des zones et des sites pollués ou détériorés; assurer le libre accès du public au rivage de la mer et;

Nature & Faune Journal 29(2). Forests and People: Investing in Africa’s Sustainable Future

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2015
United Kingdom
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Côte d'Ivoire
South Africa
Central African Republic

This edition of the journal has set out to explore the theme " Forests and People: Investing in Africa’s Sustainable Future”. The academia, research, development community, civil society and individuals working in the forestry sector and related fields are contributing short articles to this edition of the journal. Authors explore the topic from varying perspectives and share their experiences, challenges and dreams on the future of Africa’s forests as they relate to African people and their sustainable future.

Nature & Faune 29(2). Les forêts et les populations:Investir dans un avenir durable pour l’Afrique

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2015
Côte d'Ivoire

Ce numéro du journal Nature & Faune aborde le thème central suivant : « Les Forêts et les populations : Investir dans un avenir durable pour l’Afrique ». Il s’agit d’un numéro spécial pour célébrer la toute première édition du Congrès forestier mondial (CFM) en Afrique. Cet évènement offre aux pays, scientifiques, forestiers, décideurs et professionnels africains du secteur forestier et des domaines afférents, une opportunité de présenter leurs activités en cours dans le cadre du développement de la foresterie en Afrique.

Revealing Regional Deforestation Dynamics in North-Eastern Madagascar—Insights from Multi-Temporal Land Cover Change Analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2015

The north-eastern escarpment of Madagascar harbours the island’s last remaining large-scale humid forest massifs surrounded by a small-scale agricultural mosaic. There is high deforestation, commonly thought to be caused by shifting cultivation practiced by local land users to produce upland rice. However, little is known about the dynamics between forest and shifting cultivation systems at a regional level.

Sensitivity Analysis of a Land-Use Change Model with and without Agents to Assess Land Abandonment and Long-Term Re-Forestation in a Swiss Mountain Region

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2015

Land abandonment and the subsequent re-forestation are important drivers behind the loss of ecosystem services in mountain regions. Agent-based models can help to identify global change impacts on farmland abandonment and can test policy and management options to counteract this development. Realigning the representation of human decision making with time scales of ecological processes such as reforestation presents a major challenge in this context.

Landcover Change, Land Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo and Topography in the Plateau Region of North-Central Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2015

This study assessed the change in some environmental parameters in the Plateau region of North-Central Nigeria (Barakinladi, Jos, and Kafachan environs) using the nexus of landcover change, land surface temperature, surface albedo, and topography. The study employed both remote sensing and statistical techniques for the period between 1986 and 2014 to analyze the dynamics between and within these environmental variables.

Building Bridges across Sectors and Scales: Exploring Systemic Solutions towards A Sustainable Management of Land —Experiences from 4th Year Status Conference on Research for Sustainable Land Management

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2015

Interacting land use demands and competing interests originating from fields such as agriculture, housing, mobility and nature conservation call for integrated governance approaches that incorporate disciplinary perspectives and arbitrate between them. The German research program “Sustainable Land Management” targets this challenge and provides an umbrella for a number of regional projects involving transdisciplinary system-oriented approaches to sustainable land use, connecting researchers and practitioners.