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¿Cómo se pueden asegurar los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra? - Síntesis de la discusión en línea

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2012

Desde el 23 de enero hasta al 6 de febrero, la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) sostuvo una discusión en línea con vistas al evento paralelo de ILC-FIDA-FAO en la reunión de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer (CSW), del 27 de febrero al 9 de marzo de 2012, en Nueva York.

Comment les droits fonciers des femmes peuvent-ils être garantis? - Synthèse de la discussion en ligne

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2012

Du 23 janvier au 6 février, l’ILC a organisé un débat en ligne, précédant la manifestation parallèle de l’ILC, du FIDA et de la FAO lors de la Commission de la condition de la femme (CCF) qui s’est tenue du 27 février au 9 mars 2012 à New York.

Impasse at Commission on Status of Women “deeply regrettable”

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2012

[From UN-Women] During this 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, we have witnessed passionate and dynamic discussion with a very high level of participation from governments and civil society.

Unfortunately we have also witnessed an inability to reach consensus on the agreed conclusions on our priority theme, empowering rural women. We have come to an impasse, which is deeply regrettable.

Empoderamiento legal de las mujeres: lecciones aprendidas desde actividades basadas en la comunidad

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2012
República Democrática del Congo

En 2010 y 2011, la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) financió cinco proyectos comunitarios que promovían el empoderamiento legal de las mujeres rurales. Los proyectos fueron el piloto de modalidades innovadoras dirigidas a fortalecer los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra, pero también identificaron modelos para ser replicados y ampliados.

Autonomisation juridique des femmes: enseignements d’activités communautaires

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2012
République démocratique du Congo

En 2010 et 2011, la Coalition internationale pour l’accès à la terre (ILC) a soutenu cinq projets communautaires encourageant l’autonomisation juridique des femmes en milieu rural. Ces projets ont non seulement testé des méthodes innovantes pour améliorer les droits fonciers des femmes, mais ont également identifié des modèles à reproduire à plus grande échelle.

Low Income Women: First Casualties of Green Economy Land Grab

Reports & Research
januari, 2012

[...] In our understanding of the green economy, one thing is clear: rural women have already faced eviction or exclusion from land ‘grabbed’ for powerful green agendas that are not their own. This is because the current political/economic paradigm ensures that the interests of corporate actors and powerful vested interests in the global and export economies in the productive capacity of land and water are protected while small farming communities producing for domestic markets are not.

Report on ActionAid's Women's Land Rights Project in Guatemala, India, and Sierra Leone available online

Reports & Research
januari, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean
Sierra Leone
The new baseline report on ActionAid's Women's Land Rights Project highlights the need for indigenous women in Guatemala, Dalit women in India, and rural women affected by HIV and AIDS in Sierra Leone to gain actual realisation of their land rights. The report suggests that through the implementation of land-related laws and policies that are progressive; the review or reform of retrogressive ones; and the enactment of missing gender-sensitive laws and/or policies, the tide could be turned on the enjoyment of women’s land rights.

New NORAD report examines 'How to Support Women's Land Rights in Mozambique?'

januari, 2012

The report discusses: How to Support Women’s Land Rights in Mozambique? – by drawing upon the experiences, approaches used, and lessons learnt through Norwegian support to four main organizations: Norwegian People’s Aid, FAO with the Mozambican Centre for Juridical and Judicial Training (CFJJ), CLUSA (Cooperative League of the United States), and the Mozambican feminist civil-society organisation Forum Mulher.

Women’s land rights and nutrition

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2011
I invite you to read this blog post by Amanda Richardson, Landesa. The post also mentions the issue brief, recently published by Landesa, collating some evidence on the relation between secure land rights, women, and improved household food security and nutrition. Women's land rights are the point of intersection between empowerment and nutrition.