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Community Organizations Agriterra


In developing countries many people live and work in rural areas. They play a crucial role in solving the problems of hunger and poverty. If they do not manage to organise themselves, they will remain powerless on a political level and will be economically disadvantaged. Agriterra’s work is based on the conviction that if they organise themselves, they will be able to take the responsibility of their development into their own hands. Strong and representative agricultural organisations are indispensable for the promotion of democracy, for a better distribution of income and for the economic development of a country.

Agriterra was founded in 1997 by the following Dutch rural people’s organisations:

  • LTO Noord, ZLTO and LLTB (united in LTO Nederland, the Dutch Federation of Agriculture and Horticulture)
  • the Dutch Foundation of Cooperating Women's Organisations (SSVO)
  • the National Cooperative Council for Agriculture and Horticulture (NCR)
  • the Dutch Agricultural Youth Organisation (NAJK).

These organisations make up the Board and the Advisory Council of Agriterra. Agriterra’s offices are located in Arnhem, where its personnel of more than forty people work.

All in all, Agriterra works together with approximately 80 rural people’s organisations in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as with approximately 30 organisations in the Netherlands.

Our projects range from rural-tourism, the improvement of potato production, and the establishment of farmers credit banks to the penetration of new products in the market or of existing products in new markets.



Displaying 6 - 10 of 21

Land Administration System phase 2


This project is a direct follow-up on the findings of the inception mission conducted by Kadaster in 2022 and will assist the beneficiary and key stakeholders in the development towards an integrated system for the land registry and cadastre – including both registered and unregistered land rights – and specifically focuses on three components (institutional aspects, registered and unregistered land rights, land information system). This will benefit not only tenure security for local communities and (black) emerging farmers, but will also improve conditions for sustainable governance, economic investments and spatial development.

Réponse d’urgence et Soutien au renforcement des capacités d'autosuffisance alimentaire en faveur des 2800 mén


La Zone de Santé de Kalole, Chefferie Wakabongo 2, Territoire de Shabunda est le théâtre de nombreuses violences et mouvements de population dont les derniers affrontements ont eu lieu en Février 2018. Selon OCHA, lors des dernières violences, plus de 4300 élèves ont perdu l’accès à l’éducation suite aux fermetures d’écoles, et 30 000 personnes l’accès aux soins suites aux fermetures de structures de santé alors que des nombreuses personnes se sont déplacés. A travers une réponse en sécurité alimentaire le projet proposé a pour objectif général de contribuer à l'amélioration immédiate des conditions de vie des personnes affectées par les crises dans 10 Aires de santé dans la zone de santé de Kalole, Territoire de Shabunda, Province du Sud Kivu. Ainsi, l’intervention a contribuera à l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire immédiate et à moyen terme par un appui en cash, un meilleur accès aux semences améliorées, aux outils et à des formations de qualité à 689 ménages, soit 4820 bénéficiaires. La distribution de semences est prévue pour permettre un semis pour la saison agricole qui commencera en Décembre 2018. Les équipes auront ainsi le temps suffisant pour préparer les activités en collaboration avec les autorités, les fournisseurs et la population. En terme de sécurité alimentaire, l’intervention ciblera les ménages les plus vulnérables, y compris ceux n’ayant pas accès à la terre. Pour ces ménages, l’intervention appuiera des groupes locaux et facilitera l’accès à des champs communautaires pour leur permettre de semer et avoir une récolte. Une partie de la récolte sera conservé par les groupes en tant que réserve semencière pour leur permettre de semer la saison suivante et aussi pour renforcer la disponibilité de semences améliorées dans la zone.

Integrated Emergency Shelter and NFI Response to Displacement Affected Communities in Somali Region, Liben and


127,812 Households living in 308 IDP sites in Somali Region, are in urgent need of shelter and NFI assistance (HRDP 2018). ZOA’s proposed intervention targets 1,911 households (estimated 11,467 IDP persons) living in conflict and flood affected woredas of Dawa and Liben Zones of Somali Region. These families belong to the most vulnerable IDPs who live in makeshift buuls (Somali hut) without adequate access to NFIs. The shelter conditions are not in line with the minimum SPHERE standards. Initially, rapid assessment will be conducted to identify the shelter and NFI needs and gaps of target groups. Based on the findings, ZOA intends to undertake construction of transitional Shelters for 320 households mostly through community and owner driven approaches that maximize beneficiary participation and local livelihoods opportunities. Selection of beneficiaries will involve IDP settlement and local community leaders, based on clear vulnerability-based criteria. Construction sites will be identified in collaboration with local land administration authorities and Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Bureau (DPPB). Local leaders, IDP Community representatives and local authorities will be trained on settlement planning and producing settlement plans. By doing so, proper site planning will be undertaken to ensure effective mitigation of hazards and reduce alarming congestion levels in target settlements. Thus, the vulnerability of target households resulting from the type of shelters they live in and interlinked conditions will be reduced including congestion, GVB cases and communicable diseases. To verify the possible implementation option to address the NFI needs of 1591 target households rapid cash feasibility assessment will be conducted. Based on the finding, ZOA will follow a flexible intervention tool of either direct cash transfer or voucher system, and as a last resort in-kind distribution of the standard full NFI kits. Beneficiary selection will follow a need based and transparent approach. The distribution of NFI kits will have positive impact on the lives of vulnerable target groups especially women and speed up the recovery process. As women carry out most of the household chores, the items in the kit will lessen the burden of water storage, cooking, cleaning, sanitation and catering for overall household needs. ZOA’s program delivery takes into consideration age, gender and diversity approach to ensure all beneficiaries within the targeted IDP communities in the two Zones participate in planning, implementation and monitoring of the program activities. Gender and protection will be mainstreamed in all program activities. In addition to this, ZOA will seek Integration with other partners on the ground to ensure complementarity and maximize efficiency of the response.

Bank Erosion in the Mekong Delta – literature study and review of the concept note for a World Bank ICRSL-proj


The Central Project Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) prepared a Project Concept Note (PCN) for Subproject 1 of the Mekong Delta Integrated Climate Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods project. The PCN proposes coastal and riverbank protection at six locations in the Mekong Delta. Three of the locations are within the An Giang Province in side channels of the Hau River, two locations are along the eastern coast of Ca Mau, and one location is in Kien Giang Province.The World Bank and RVO requested a review of the PCN in combination with a short literature study, site visit and interviews of experts on the Mekong Delta erosion. The goal of the review and other activities was to help MARD improving the proposal of the coastal and riverbank protection in the PCN.This project is conducted in cooperation with: World Bank Vietnam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.oud ;The Government of Vietnam is implementing an IDA loan of 310million in the Mekong Delta with the objective of enhancing tools for climate-smart planning, and improve climate resilience of land and water management practices in selected provinces of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. The project has 13 subprojects of which eight are focused on infrastructure investments to promote more climate resilient water and land management. One of the eight subprojects will focus on supporting an emergency response to river and coastal erosion in An Giang, Kien Giang and Ca Mau. The Central Project Office of MARD for irrigation infrastructure is preparing the subproject (subproject number 1). World Bank Vietnam requested assistance on the analysis and advice for their discussions on river bank erosion with national experts of the government of Vietnam. The scope of this consultancy is to inform the thinking underpinning the design of subproject 1 through the input described below. The execution of the assignment is foreseen for the end of November.