Displaying 51 - 52 of 52Land Titles Act, 2000 (S.S. 2000, c. L-5.1).
The purpose of the present Act is to ensure the registration of title to and interests in land. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “abstract directory”, “application”, “assignment”, “condominium plan”, “Controller of Surveys”, “corporation”, “Crown”, “Deputy Registrar”, “land registry”, “lease”, “mineral parcel”, “mineral title”, “registration”, etc.
Reservoir Development Area Regulations (R.R.S. c. E-10.2 Reg. 1).
This Regulation is dedicated to the management of areas designated as “reservoir development areas” as delimitated in the Appendix of the Regulation. Under section 3, a permit is required to construct or alter a structure within a reservoir development area; move a structure into or within a reservoir development area or employ a structure or land for any purpose within a reservoir development area. Sections 4 to 9 deal with the application, issuance, requirements and cancellation of such permits.