Displaying 16 - 20 of 34Lands Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 1983/192).
The present Regulations enact section 34(1) of the Environment Protection Act. The present Regualtions lay down provisions relating to the administration and disposal of lands in the Yukon.
Oil and Gas Disposition Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 1999/147).
The present Regulations enact section 29 of the Oil and Gas Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to oil and gas issues. For the purpose of the Regulations, “lease” means an oil and gas lease issued under Part 2 of the Act. The text consists of 65 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Dispositions generally (1); Oil and gas permits and leases (2); Registration of transfers and statutory notices (3); Oil and gas rights compensation (4); Commencement (5). One Schedule is enclosed.
Implements: Oil and Gas Act (R.S.Y. 2002, c. 162). (2016)
Land Use Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/51).
The present Regulation enacts section 21 of the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act. The Regulation lays down provisions relating to land use planning.
Coal Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/54).
The present Regulation enacts section 21 of the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act. IN particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to coal mining in the Yukon Territory. Section 2 establishes that the Regulation applies only in respect of lands that become territorial lands on or after the date the Act comes into force. Furthermore, subject to subsection (2), no person shall mine coal on territorial lands except under the authority of this Regulation.
Quartz Mining Land Use Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/64).
The present Regulation enacts section 149 of the Quartz Mining Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to quartz mining in the territory of Yukon. The Regulation contains provisions on classes of exploration programmes, operating conditions, operating plans, assignment of an operating plan and security. The text consists of 22 sections and 3 Schedules.
Implements: Quartz Mining Act (S.Y. 2003, c. 14). (2016)