Conservamos la vida silvestre y los paisajes naturales en todo el mundo a través de ciencia aplicada, acciones concretas de conservación y educación, e inspirando a las personas a valorar la naturaleza.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 10Communities at the Core of Protected Area Management: Learning from customary tenure documentation experiences in Cambodia
Guide pratique de la pisciculture et de la rizipisciculture
À Madagascar, le Programme de Gestion durable de la faune sauvage (ou Sustainable Wildlife Management «SWM» Programme) est mis en œuvre autour du Parc Naturel Makira pour promouvoir la conservation de la biodiversité et améliorer les conditions de vie des populations.
Does the gender composition of forest and fishery management groups affect resource governance and conservation outcomes: A systematic map protocol
In the fields of environmental governance and biodiversity conservation, there is a growing awareness that gender has an influence on resource use and management. Several studies argue that empowering women in resource governance can lead to beneficial outcomes for resource sustainability and biodiversity conservation. Yet how robust is the evidence to support this claim?
Train 5000 Farmers on Climate Change Agriculture
Edom Development Group Plans to train rural peasant farmers on climate change Agriculture using agro- forestry and conservation agriculture, providing free training and improved planting materials to 5000 rural farmers practicing traditional agriculture characterized by serious problem of land degradation, soil erosion, low-crops yield and falling soil fertility.
Building Citizenship
Associao de Desenvolvimento Comunitrio de Bataypor (ADEPOR) ADEPOR will work with farmers who were resettled as a result of Brazil's program of land reform, to plant agro-ecological community gardens in idle or degraded areas and organize a cooperative, resulting in a more reliable food supply for approximately 500 rural families, for schools and for markets in the municipality of Bataypor, Mato Grosso do Sul. The grantee plans to connect the new cooperative to wholesalers in the region, school lunch programs and government agencies that distribute food to the poor.