Topics and Regions
Displaying 91 - 100 of 128Cartilla 1: Los Pueblos Indígenas y sus derechos
La serie presenta cartillas con información actualizada de los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en el Perú y las normas internacionales referidas a ellos, poniendo un mayor énfasis en lo relacionado al derecho al territorio y a la tierra, desde los procesos de reconocimiento y titulación de las Comunidades Nativas. La información es expuesta a través de explicaciones apoyadas en ejemplos y en citas de normas importantes para su mejor comprensión. La cartilla N° 1 aborda el marco normativo nacional e internacional sobre los derechos indígenas.
Compendio de Normas para el saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria de predios rurales, comunidades campesinas y comunidades nativas
Es una recopilación ordenada y actualizada de las normas que regulan los procesos de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad de predios rurales del Perú, tanto de comunidades campesinas como comunidades nativas. De esta forma, el presente compendio se constituye en una guía, así como en un instrumento de consulta técnico-legal para los servidores de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura a cargo de los procedimientos de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria.
Guía de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica sobre procedimientos vinculados al Saneamiento Físico Legal de la Propiedad Agraria
La presente Guía de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica, constituye un documento orientador y complementario, que podrá ser utilizado por los especialistas en capacitación y asistencia técnica de la Dirección General de Saneamiento Físico Legal de la Propiedad Agraria y Catastro Rural – DIGESPACR, en el marco de la función rectora a cargo del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI), prevista en el artículo 13 de la Ley de Organización y Funciones del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego aprobada por Decreto Legislativo 997, y modificada por Ley N° 30048, según la cual corresponde al MINAGRI
Guía Metodológica de Verificación de Cumplimiento de la Normativa en Materia de Saneamiento Físico Legal de la Propiedad Agraria
El Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI) ha elaborado la presente Guía con el fin de contar con pautas técnicas metodológicas que regulen el ejercicio de la actividad de verificación de cumplimiento de la normatividad en materia de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria, que comprende a las tierras de las comunidades campesinas y nativas.
Lineamientos para la Ejecución de Procesos Operativos de Control de Calidad en los Expedientes de Formalización de Predios Rústicos
El Oficio Nº 0722-2017-MINAGRI-DVPA/DIGESPACR, de la Dirección General de Saneamiento de la Propiedad Agraria y Catastro Rural, sobre aprobación de “Lineamientos para la ejecución de procesos operativos de control de calidad en los expedientes de formalización de predios rústicos"
Para más información sobre el proyecto: Land Titles for Indigenous Communities in Peru | Land Portal.
Manual de Diagnóstico Físico Legal del Proceso de Formalización de Predios Rurales
Objectivo general:
Establecer criterios para la ejecución de la etapa de diagnóstico físico-legal en un proyecto catastral o unidad territorial (UT), para identificar posibles superposiciones con derechos de terceros u otras situaciones técnico jurídico que dificulten el proceso de formalización rural, de acuerdo a lo previsto en los artículos 3, 15 y 28 del Reglamento del Decreto Legislativo N° 1089.
Responsible Land Policy in Laos
Context With around 7.3 million inhabitants, Laos is relatively sparsely populated. The poverty rate in Laos continues to fall and is now around 18% according to the World Bank (2019). Over 70% of Laotians depend directly or indirectly on agriculture and forestry for their living. Almost half of all farming families rely on subsistence farming. To drive forward the country’s development, the Lao Government is investing in agriculture and forestry, mining, and hydropower. It frequently awards extensive concessions to investors from within Laos and from neighbouring countries, including Vietnam and China. Until now, the rural population has derived limited benefit from this practice. It has little if any involvement in socioeconomic planning and management, and it is rare for civil society organisations to represent the population’s interests. Local people are not familiar with the state structure that ensures their land rights and cannot afford the fees to secure a title to their land. Women are particularly vulnerable to discrimination when land ownership is formalised as a result of inadequate education and traditional role models. The same applies to poor households and ethnic minorities. Activities in Laos The institutional framework and procedures for securing land use and land ownership rights are improved. This is achieved, amongst other activities, through the development of legally compliant procedures for customary and collective tenure recognition. Planning processes, such as participatory land use planning in forest areas, have been strengthened among the authorities by established information sharing mechanisms and the participation of the local population in land use and agricultural land planning. Government authorities are trained to administer and guide investment in land in accordance with established legislation and recognised principles on responsible agriculture and forestry investment. Private agricultural and forestry investors’ awareness is raised and capacities strengthened to comply with national legislation and recognised principles for responsible investments in land. Local communities impacted by investment projects in land are informed and empowered through Targeted Awareness Raising mechanisms on land rights, usage of existing grievance mechanisms, and rights to participatory consultation, among others. An example from the field Till now, a large part of the Laotian population does not have formalized land rights. The authorities estimate that to date, around 1.5 million land titles have been issued, out of 3 million overall land plots. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is aiming to implement an efficient and comprehensive land registration process in Laos. The project focuses mainly on rural areas. Skilled local teams are surveying and registering individual and municipal areas of land. Data from systematic land registration is being fed into the national land registry system (Lao LandReg), which is embedded at ministerial level. The land registry system will then generate individual land titles automatically at decentralised level. Work is also under way to create the statutory framework for strengthening customary land tenure security in forest areas. Results The project already achieved the registration of over 23.000 private land parcels in three provinces (82% of those parcels are registered in the names of women or with conjugal ownership). Village land use and agriculture management plans were developed in 93 villages. Around 200 government partners (79 women) from different agencies at all levels and more than 20.000 villagers (49% women) in target districts have been trained in-depth on Targeted Awareness Raising (TAR) on land rights and rights on investment projects. Moreover, to date, more than 35 private investment projects adhere to the principles of international guidelines such as the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) and the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI), due to the support and guidance of the project.
Responsible Land Policy in Benin
Context Benin has 12 million inhabitants (growing 2.8% yearly) and a population density of 105 inhabitants per km². A large part of the population – around 70% – earn their living from agriculture which accounts for one third of Benin’s Gross Domestic Product. Unfortunately, lack of knowledge of the land law hinders urgently needed investment in rural areas. Less than 2% of the farmed land is protected by land titles. And of those titles less than 1% are owned by women. The informal land use system is largely unable to cope with the growing pressure on agricultural land. Disputes between local smallholders and nomadic or settled pastoralists are very common. The challenges in Benin include the substantial disadvantage of women and marginalised groups, undocumented land transactions and land rights as well as a lack of knowledge of the law. At the same time, opportunities exist: the new land law of 2017 (fostering customary ownership rights), a proactive land policy and existing decentralized land services provide a basis for increasing land tenure security. The project uses these opportunities to improve the situation. Customary traditional rights are being formalised and the institutional framework is being strengthened to improve the chances of a fair and responsible land policy. Thereby, the project represents an important contribution to combating hunger and poverty in Benin. Activities in Benin The first field of activity aims to improve the institutional framework and processes for securing land use and ownership rights in the department of Borgou. In the second field of activity, the project aims to increase the involvement of civil society in formulating and implementing a responsible land policy. The third field of activity focuses on private agricultural investors and on raising their awareness of implementation of a responsible land policy as part of the G7 New Alliance initiative. An example from the field Benin passed legislation in 2017 to align the national land administration with international guidelines. The project supports the implementation by building both individual and institutional capacity. A core process is the recording of village residents land rights through either the rural land registry (Plan Foncier Rural, PFR) or through certificates of customary ownership (Attestation de Detention Coutumière, ADC). This is being achieved in cooperation with the National Agency for Domains and Land, as well as with local mayors, who are responsible for validating and signing the ADCs. Land rights are being registered, mapped and formalised, facilitating the issuing of official documents. After 4 years of implementation, the project succeeded in securing land rights for over 8,500 households. In 2016, only 1% of the titles belonged to women, whereas now, 28% of the titles are in the name of a female household member. More than 9,000 parcel plans (equalling a total of 140,000 ha) have been demarcated and registered. The project also seeks agricultural investments to comply with international guidelines. In this regard, the project and its partners created a National Charter. The Charter is based on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and serves as a guideline for sensitization and commitment of all stakeholders. Project structure and partners Beside the two Ministries (MAEP - MEF), the project cooperates closely with non-state actors such as NGS and local authorities (e.g. intermunicipality of Borgou: ADECOB). Active synergies are developed with other German cooperation projects. Accompanying field research (with the World Bank) is carried out with a survey on the impact of the process in Borgou. Studies are also conducted in cooperation with the State University of Parakou.
Comunidad Nativa Centro Chocote. Titulación de Comunidades Nativas.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los procesos de titulación en varias comunidades nativas y sus consecuencias para sus habitantes y los bosques, a fin de brindar información que permita mejorar las iniciativas de titulación en curso. La información de este estudio fue recolectada mediante tres métodos: (1) Entrevistas con informantes clave, (2) Grupos focales, y (3) Encuestas en hogares.
Comunidad Nativa Inkare. Titulación de Comunidades Nativas.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los procesos de titulación en varias comunidades nativas y sus consecuencias para sus habitantes y los bosques, a fin de brindar información que permita mejorar las iniciativas de titulación en curso. La información de este estudio fue recolectada mediante tres métodos: (1) Entrevistas con informantes clave, (2) Grupos focales, y (3) Encuestas en hogares. Este informe presenta los resultados del estudio a nivel de la comunidad de Inkare, Ucayali.