Community / Land projects / FTF Ethiopia Land Governance Activity
FTF Ethiopia Land Governance Activity
07/18 - 07/25
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(Ethiopia): Improved land tenure security enables landholders to make longer-term investments in their agro-pastoral activities, thereby contributing to increased productivity and incomes. It also allows pastoralists and farmers to lease their landholdings to entrepreneurs in need of land to grow their own businesses, including activities such as mechanized farming, industry, and marketing services. In addition to helping landholders build more lucrative and stable livelihoods and emerge from poverty, these leasing arrangements also have a spillover effect on the rural economy by increasing opportunities for high growth potential SMEs to provide services and employment opportunities. Building on previous investments to improve rural landholders' land tenure security, particularly women's, the activity will use FY 2021 funds to expand its work with community organizations, rural landholders, and urban dwellers to adopt a scalable approach for land demarcation and certification. The approach includes the use of satellite imagery, simple and cost-effective land surveying and mapping tools, an integrated land information database, research, training, and professional services. The Activity will work with key civil society organizations, such as the Ethiopia Land Administration Professionals Association, to improve the rights of landholders through increased advocacy, research and technical assistance in the implementation of land surveying, planning, demarcation, and registration. By improving incomes and food security, social cohesion, and more equitable urbanization, the Activity advances the USG Global Food Security Strategy and Ethiopia's resilience. . .These efforts directly support Ethiopia's Integrated Country Strategy Mission Goal 3: Spur Broad-based Economic Growth and Mission Objective 3.1: Increase Economic Growth with Resiliency in Rural Ethiopia......