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Community / Land projects / Gesterra II

Gesterra II


12/18 - 04/22


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The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) has been supporting the land sector in Mozambique since 2013 through the Land Management and Administration Pro-gramme (Gesterra) implemented by the National Land Di-rectorate (DINAT). Important accomplishments have been achieved in the context of this programme, such as the es-tablishment and operationalization of the Land Information and Management System (SIGIT), which is the center of gravity of all land management and administration of any nation. However, this programme has been criticized for not having given enough attention to the improvement of tech-nical capacity of DINAT staff. Initially, a second phase of this programme was foreseen from 2019 to 2022 similar in size in terms of financial re-sources. However, recent developments on the land sector in Mozambique and changes in the Dutch government's in-ternational cooperation policies have led the embassy to reshape its support to the land sector in Mozambique. Inspired on the Gesterra programme (act 25686) and Im-plementation Mechanism for the Land Sector Strategic Plan designed by Dutch Kadaster (MINBUZA-2017.972415), the World Bank is designing a 100 million (dollar / euro?) pro-gramme for the land sector in Mozambique. However, this programme does not include a technical training package for DINAT staff. On the other hand, as result of redefinition of geographical focus (Sahel, Africa and Middle East), Mozambique is no longer a priority country in the context of international co-operation by the Dutch Government. This means that the Embassy should scale-down its activities especially in the FNS thematic area where the land sector is incorporated.

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