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Displaying 1249 - 1260 of 1631
1 Dezembro 2020
Prof. Leon Verstappen
  Leon Verstappen, profesor de derecho privado en la Universidad de Groningen y juez adjunto del Tribunal de Apelaciones de La Haya, ha dejado el cargo de la presidencia de la Junta del Land Portal, cargo que ha ocupado desde la creación de este en 2014. Leon relata su compromiso con el Land…
1 Dezembro 2020
Prof. Leon Verstappen
  Leon Verstappen, profesor de derecho privado en la Universidad de Groningen y juez adjunto del Tribunal de Apelaciones de La Haya, ha dejado el cargo de la presidencia de la Junta del Land Portal, cargo que ha ocupado desde la creación de este en 2014. Leon relata su compromiso con el Land…
1 Dezembro 2020
Prof. Leon Verstappen
  Leon Verstappen, profesor de derecho privado en la Universidad de Groningen y juez adjunto del Tribunal de Apelaciones de La Haya, ha dejado el cargo de la presidencia de la Junta del Land Portal, cargo que ha ocupado desde la creación de este en 2014. Leon relata su compromiso con el Land…
30 Novembro 2020
Par: Claire Ricolleau-Condette Source: Le Journal International Ces dernières années, partout dans le monde, des phénomènes de pénuries d’eau se sont manifestés. Ils sont parfois temporaires comme en France durant l’été. Mais pour d’autres Etats comme le Mexique, cette situation est permanente.…
26 Novembro 2020
Por Frédéric Mousseau   Un informe reciente del Instituto Oakland detalla las diversas formas en que los gobiernos, voluntariamente o por la presión de las instituciones financieras y los llamados países donantes, intentan privatizar la tierra y hacerla accesible para ser explotada.    Esas…
24 Novembro 2020
Por Rina Chandran A desigualdade na distribuição de terras está crescendo em todo o mundo, o que ameaça a subsistência de 2,5 bilhões de pessoas que dependem diretamente da agricultura e agrava as disparidades de gênero e saúde e os impactos da mudança climática, alertaram pesquisadores nesta terça…
21 Outubro 2020
Harold Liversage, Ms. Giulia Barbanente
For rural people, especially low-income rural people, land and livelihood are one and the same. Access to land means the opportunity to earn a decent income and achieve food and nutrition security, and it can also pave the way for access to social benefits such as health care and education. A lack…
15 Outubro 2020
How will you feel when you are discriminated against and denied privileges that other people enjoy? What will be your reaction? Have you asked yourself why indigenous peoples around the world feel they are denied their rights and left behind in development agenda? To answer all this, I had to…
8 Outubro 2020
We have an ambitious objective here at the Global Data Barometer: To map the landscape of data for public good. To do so, we’ll be gathering information about data governance, capability, availability, and use and impact in 100+ countries. Because data for public good can play different roles and…
7 Outubro 2020
Dr. Sébastien Boillat, Dr. Julie Zähringer
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world abruptly, affecting nearly all of humanity with breath-taking speed. At the time of writing in mid-September 2020, almost 20 million people have contracted the disease and more than 900,000 have died.[1] Besides its tragic direct toll on human lives, the…
7 Outubro 2020
The impact of COVID-19 has been devastating around the world. In response, countries have put in place emergency measures to help their citizens and private firms weather the pandemic and recovery programs to boost the economy once the lockdown restrictions can ease. Most developing economies do…
23 Setembro 2020
Rachel McMonagle
  COVID-19 and climate change are impacting all of us, but the dual disasters have a disproportionate impact on communities in emerging economies. These impacts are felt most acutely in rural areas, especially among indigenous communities and minority groups, and by women and others who are…