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Countries Global related Blog post


Displaying 1165 - 1176 of 1631
28 Junho 2021
From Europe to the U.S., migration issues are highly politicized, divisive, and complex. When U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Central America a few weeks ago to better understand the root causes of migration, she recognized the driving force of poverty that leads people to leave their…
9 Junho 2021
Rodrigo Savazoni
El Salvador, junho de 2018, população protesta contra a privatização da água.O planeta é um organismo vivo, governado pela lógica de privatização e acúmulo. Para que seja para todos, é preciso governança policêntrica e ecológica. Das luta pela água e terra à criação de hortas comunitárias, há meios…
7 Junho 2021
A really important report from the International Land Coalition and Oxfam is just out called ‘Uneven Ground: Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies’, along with 17 supporting papers. Through new analysis it shows that land inequality is even larger than previously thought, and that this…
1 Junho 2021
  Por : Ricardo Lorenzetti​ Las urgencias cotidianas no deberían impedirnos enfrentar seriamente los desafíos del siglo XXI con políticas públicas y normas jurídicas que puedan aportar soluciones, antes de que sea una tragedia. Naciones Unidas promueve un proyecto conjunto entre el Instituto…
27 Maio 2021
Mr. Jeremy Gaunt
With crucial United Nations conferences due this year on both climate change and biodiversity, experts have called for Indigenous People to be included in the meetings, for current laws protecting forests and the wildlife within to be enforced, and for money to be allocated towards the further…
24 Maio 2021
abdeslam arktout
Instruments like the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) are "voluntary", i.e., legally non-binding. These instruments are intended to have a direct influence on the governance of the tenure…
24 Maio 2021
Jana Herold
In the Mekong region, agriculture (including forestry and fisheries) employs over 43% of the population and contributes to around 16% to the regional GDP, making it an important sector for investment. Agricultural investment can be key to support economic growth, enhance food security and nutrition…
20 Maio 2021
Sin una transformación profunda en la gobernanza y los flujos económicos, no alcanzaremos los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, ni podremos asegurar la salud del planeta ni la equidad   Por: Juan Carlos García y Cebolla es el jefe del Equipo de Derecho a la Alimentación de la FAO   En…
18 Maio 2021
Of the many issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps the most unsettling is that it is likely to be only a beginning — that the world is threatened with future plagues brought on by factors such as environmental degradation and human encroachment on animal habitats. The World Health…
12 Maio 2021
Nathaniah Jacobs
As part of the launch of the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 2.0, the Land Portal spoke with Nathaniah Jacobs, Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, to hear more about the Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) project. The…
12 Maio 2021
Amaelle Seigneret
As part of the launch of the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 2.0, the Land Portal spoke with Amaelle Seigneret, Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, to hear what’s new. The Navigator is meant to help governments, civil society and businesses…