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By: Aiyanas Ormond  Date: January 28th 2016 Source: The Mainlander Cenona Estrada needs to take courage where she can. She’s the chairperson of Kaugmaon, the peasant farmer’s organization on the island of Negros in the Philippines. Enrik Colago, the previous chairperson, was murdered along with…
A new LEGEND publication explores the aims and performance of DFID land programmes, including its work on strengthening tenure security for women. The LEGEND Knowledge Management team has recently published a Portfolio Overview that looks across 24 DFID land programmes. It looks at how programmes…
By: Megan Rowling Date: February 3rd 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Conditions are ripe for a global leap forward in recognizing the land rights of indigenous people and forest communities, but investors and the public need to pressure governments to…
By: news Date: February 3rd 2016 Source: Science Codex / Burness Communications LONDON (3 February, 2016)--Six weeks after negotiators in Paris placed tropical forests at the centre of the global battle against climate change, experts at a London event said government resistance to recognition of…
By: Max Lewontin Date: February 4th 2016 Source: Christian Science Monitor A panel of forest policy groups pressed for more action Wednesday, saying the public and the private sector could help raise awareness about the toll efforts to designate forests as 'protected' or increase agricultural…
The Tenure Analyst is responsible for conducting and managing original, high-quality research on forest and land tenure, women’s land rights, climate, and conservation in the world’s developing and forested countries, maintaining and advancing RRI’s global tenure methodologies and databases,…
By: Chris Lang / REDD Monitor Date: February 8th 2016 Source: The Ecologist Agriculture is big business and with the EU pumping money at the sector, the corporate profiteers are holding all the aces, writes Chris Lang. The documentary ‘Land Grabbing’ investigates what happens when well-financed…
Women account for nearly half of the world’s farmers and grow much of our food —and yet their access to and control over land in many low and middle-income countries remains highly limited. This third issue of the LEGEND bulletin focuses on gender in land governance, presenting highlights from…
Date: February 15th 2016   Australia's big four banks are failing to do enough to lift their game on unethical lending to companies involved in land grabs overseas. That's the verdict of Oxfam Australia's latest report - "Still banking on land grabs". "While National Australia Bank and Westpac…
By: Salena Tramel Date: February 18th 2016 Source: The World Post When Hiba Al-Jibeihi stepped off her flight in Paris in early December, it was her first time outside the occupied Palestinian territories where she had lived all of her 24 years. She wasn't quite sure how she would relate to her…
Date: February 18th 2016 Source: TeleSUR The trade agreement signed earlier in February will have a devastating effect on Indigenous people, the last guardians of our natural world. The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, better known as the TPP, seriously threatens indigenous land rights, as…
By: Elaine Zuckerman Date: February 23rd 2016 Source: The Guardian Our study found life for women was worse, not better, after World Bank pipeline projects. A robust gender policy is vital The fisherwomen of the Niger delta are legendary across west Africa. Fishery has been a female domain for…