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Countries República Democrática do Congo related News

República Democrática do Congo

Displaying 13 - 24 of 192
11 Maio 2023
Foto: Rita Willaert/Flickr População congolesa foge de conflitos e sofre com “condições de vida terríveis” em abrigos rudimentares; secretário-geral da ONU participa de reunião de alto-nível no Burundi com foco na erradicação de grupos armados na RD Congo.  A crise na República Democrática do Congo…
26 Abril 2023
Photo: Banque africaine de développement  (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) En décembre 2022, à Tanger, au Maroc, à l’occasion de la 16e reconstitution des ressources du Fonds africain de développement, la Banque africaine de développement et ses partenaires ont décidé de créer un Guichet d’action climatique …
27 Março 2023
À Kimpasi, dans l'ouest de la République démocratique du Congo, 15 membres d'une tribu dont deux chefs traditionnels ont été tués à la machette depuis vendredi. Quinze personnes dont deux chefs traditionnels ont été tués depuis vendredi dans un territoire de l'ouest de la République démocratique du…
17 Janeiro 2023
Photo: USFS (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) Les provinces orientales de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), touchées par le conflit, abritent de nombreuses aires protégées. Ces zones abritent une biodiversité unique et plusieures espèces menacées, comme l'okapi, l'éléphant de forêt et le gorille de…
13 Janeiro 2023
The Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) conflict-affected eastern provinces are home to numerous protected areas. These areas host unique biodiversity and a range of threatened species, such as the okapi, forest elephant and mountain gorilla. They are also part of the Congo Basin rainforest, which…
12 Dezembro 2022
Data limite: 31-Dez-22   O objetivo do projeto é abordar a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento econômico inclusivo para as mulheres africanas. Especificamente, o Projeto visa aumentar a capacidade e a sustentabilidade dos capacitadores que apóiam as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (WSMEs - sigla em…
28 Novembro 2022
Les différents acteurs nationaux et internationaux impliqués dans le cadre du projet de développement des entités territoriales décentralisées en République Démocratique du Congo ont échangé sur comment renforcer le rôle de ces entités dans la promotion du secteur de développement durable au pays.…
16 Novembro 2022
Luxury food company, Original Beans, seeks to solve deforestation fueled by chocolate farming near Virunga National Park by planting organic cocoa in an agroforestry system that provides a sustainable form of income to local women. The company argues that producing luxury chocolate is a solution…
16 Novembro 2022
For the country’s Indigenous pygmy people, this is the first time that they are legally recognized as a distinct people with rights and access to free, prior and informed consent before the government and industries can exploit their land. But not everything will change in the blink of an eye and…
11 Novembro 2022
In November 2018, leaders from nine communities from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) whose land rights and livelihood were affected by the PHC-Feronia large-scale palm oil plantation took a historic step and filed a complaint (with the Independent Complaints Mechanism (ICM) jointly…
2 Novembro 2022
Africa is one of the world’s last frontiers of biodiversity – housing roughly one fifth of the planet’s known species of mammals, birds, and plants. An abundance of life flourishes in diverse ecosystems across the continent. The Congo Basin – the world’s second largest tropical rainforest and the…
20 Outubro 2022
In January, officials ordered Xiang Jiang Mining to cease operations. Nine months on, the mine is still open and residents are still protesting.     Not a day goes by without the motorised sound of dredgers blasting through Charles Baima’s village in Basoko, around 195 km along the Congo River…