In a strict sense, there is no express right to land under international human rights law. Yet, without land, several human rights would be in jeopardy. The realisation of rights related to food, water, housing, physical and mental health, as well as a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment…
Ibrahim has lived on the outskirts of Kenya’s capital city since he was born, 71 years ago. Five generations have lived, loved, studied, worked, and built their homes on this land. He is Kenyan. Proving that to the government and asserting his rights as a citizen, however, has been a life-long…
The Land Portal Foundation, in partnership with Transparency International, hosted the webinar titled "Breaking New Ground: Insights and Stories on the Impact of Land Corruption on Discriminated Groups in Africa." The webinar brought together a panel of distinguished experts to delve into the…
La Fundación Land Portal, en colaboración con Transparencia Internacional, organizó el seminario web titulado "Abriendo nuevos caminos: Perspectivas e historias sobre el impacto de la corrupción de la tierra en los grupos discriminados de África". El seminario web reunió a un grupo de distinguidos…
La Fondation Land Portal, en partenariat avec Transparency International, a organisé le webinaire intitulé « L'ouverture de nouveaux horizons : Perspectives et histoires sur l'impact de la corruption foncière sur les groupes discriminés en Afrique ». Le webinaire a réuni un panel d'experts…
A Fundação Land Portal, em parceria com a Transparência Internacional, organizou o webinário intitulado “Rompendo novas fronteiras: Percepções e Histórias sobre o Impacto da Corrupção de Terras em Grupos Discriminados na África”. O webinário reuniu um painel de especialistas ilustres para analisar…
La Fundación Land Portal, en colaboración con Transparencia Internacional, organizó el seminario web titulado "Abriendo nuevos caminos: Perspectivas e historias sobre el impacto de la corrupción de la tierra en los grupos discriminados de África". El seminario web reunió a un grupo de distinguidos…
My heart aches for all those who have lost their loved ones from the tragedy facing Kenya today as the death toll nears 100. Heavy rains have lashed Kenya in recent weeks, causing widespread flooding that has displaced thousands, destroyed infrastructure, and devastated livelihoods. In the interest…
Land is a finite resource, and access to it is essential for the livelihoods of individuals and communities. To ensure that access to land is secure and equitable for all, the United Nations has set the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1.4.2, which measures individuals' land tenure security,…
A terra é um recurso finito, e o acesso a ela é essencial para a subsistência de indivíduos e comunidades. Para garantir que o acesso à terra seja seguro e equitativo para todos, as Nações Unidas estabeleceram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 1.4.2, que mede a segurança da posse…
La terre est une ressource limitée, et son accès est essentiel pour les moyens de subsistance des individus et des communautés. Pour que l'accès à la terre soit sûr et équitable pour tous, les Nations unies ont fixé l'objectif de développement durable (ODD) 1.4.2, qui mesure la sécurité de…
<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-b6441e82-7fff-1ae8-267f-82de36dd86d9"></span>La tierra es un recurso finito, y el acceso a ella es esencial para la subsistencia de las personas y las comunidades. Para garantizar que el acceso a la tierra sea seguro y equitativo para todos, las…