We are proud to announce the release of three State of Land Information reports, which detail the land information status in Mozambique, Liberia, and Sudan. These comprehensive reports provide an in-depth analysis of the current land information systems, legal frameworks, and data accessibility in…
Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la publication de trois rapports sur l'état de l'information foncière, qui détaillent l'état de l'information foncière au Mozambique, au Libéria et au Soudan. Ces rapports détaillés fournissent une analyse approfondie des systèmes actuels d'information foncière, des…
Temos o orgulho de anunciar o lançamento de três relatórios sobre o Estado das Informações Fundiárias, que detalham a situação das informações sobre terras em Moçambique, Libéria e Sudão. Esses relatórios detalhados fornecem uma análise aprofundada dos atuais sistemas de informações sobre terras,…
Nos enorgullece anunciar la publicación de tres informes sobre el Estado de la Información sobre la Tierra, que detallan la situación de la información sobre la tierra en Mozambique, Liberia y Sudán. Estos exhaustivos informes proporcionan un análisis en profundidad de los actuales sistemas de…
Photo ID 557871 UN Photo/Tobin Jones (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
Are you passionate about upholding Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LC) rights and supporting the protection of forests and biodiversity and the governance of IPLC land and forests in the African continent?
Do you have…
Photo par RRI (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (link is external))
Washington, D. C. (15 juin 2023) — D’après un nouveau rapport de l’Initiative des droits et ressources (RRI), les législations nationales actuelles permettraient de reconnaître la propriété et le contrôle des peuples autochtones, des peuples…
PLEEBO, Maryland County – One day in 2016 policemen arrested Saturday Wilson at his farm. Wilson had been accused by the Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP) of stealing fertilizers, a court document shows.
Wilson spent two days in a police cell and after a relatively short case, the Pleebo…
The government’s reports and fines have not yet been sufficient to stop communities suffering from poisoned rivers.
Iron ore being transported across Liberia. Credit: jbdodane.
Last May in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia, Varney* washed his face with water from the Mafa river. Two miles away,…
The Land Portal is hiring researchers with expertise on Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Mozambique, Ghana, and The Gambia. We are particularly seeking qualified applicants for Sierra Leone and will keep positions open until they are filled.
Job Description
Each consultant will undertake…
O Land Portal está contratando pesquisadores(as) com experiência na Libéria, Serra Leoa, Zimbábue, Sudão, Moçambique, Gana e Gâmbia. Aplicar até 20 de janeiro.
Descrição do trabalho
Cada consultor(a) realizará uma pesquisa documental completa e conduzirá um estudo de escopo no respectivo país…
22 Communities dispossessed of their customary land sue Salala Rubber Corp and the Liberian Government.
Residents of 22 indigenous Kpelle communities, dispossessed of their customary land, cultural sites, and livelihoods, have filed a groundbreaking legal action against the Salala Rubber…