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Countries Nigéria related Blog post


Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
5 Julho 2021
Dr. Gemma van der Haar, Dominique Schmid
In the second PhD session of the LANDac Conference 2021, three PhD researchers presented their work in progress. We learned about slums in Abuja, Nigeria, about forest rights in India, and about the relation between inequalities in soil fertility, gender, and access to subsidies. Each presentation…
22 Junho 2021
Anne Hennings
Securing women’s land rights remains high in the news and in the development agenda in recent months. A quick search on Land Portal shows since March this year more than 250 resources related to land & gender, including news articles, blogs and publications.   A number of events and webinars…
3 Maio 2021
Prof. Cheryl Doss, Dr. Vanya Slavchevska
Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported. Three indicators of women’s property rights are widely used in the literature. Each captures a different aspect of women’s land rights,…
3 Maio 2021
Tijah Bolton-Akpan
Oil companies are paying billions towards development in the Niger Delta, but it’s having little impact on the ground, say Tijah Bolton-Akpan and Miles Litvinoff.   In the 65 years since the first oil well was tapped in the swamps of the Niger Delta, the region has been a case study in what…
14 Julho 2019
20 milhões de fulânis vivem sem lar e sem paz: seu modo de vida e o preconceito espalham conflitos na África  Os fulânis, também chamados peul ou fulbe, são um grupo de mais de 20 milhões de pessoas dispersas por 15 países, da costa atlântica do Senegal à densa selva centro-africana. Este povo…
13 Agosto 2018
Michael Uwemedimo
OUR CITY: WHY WE WORK WHERE WE WORK ‘Chicoco’ means mud, the black, fibrous mud that people living in Port Harcourt’s waterfront communities cut from the mangroves and throw down on the river’s edge to reclaim land from the creeks. They build their homes on this mud. ‘Many voices make a city. Some…
2 Dezembro 2016
In February of this year, a deportation officer of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency was indicted for extorting immigrants for cash and sexual favors. Arnaldo Echevarria promised two undocumented women “working papers” in exchange for sex, eventually impregnating…
By Yuliya Panfil, Omidyar Network One in four people are worried about losing their home against their will in the next five years, according to a nine-country Gallup-led survey on people’s perceptions of their property rights. The survey, which polled 11,000 people across Peru, Colombia, Brazil…
By Andrew Smith Land administration reform is increasingly being recognized as an essential aspect of economic development. Numerous projects have successfully recorded millions of plots of privately held land in developing countries. The expectation is that secure tenure will generate a more…