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Countries Peru related News


Displaying 97 - 108 of 207
17 Abril 2019
Peru - To legally obtain title to their community lands, indigenous people in the Peruvian Amazon must navigate a maze of legal paperwork and technical steps that can take as long as a decade to complete. The process is frustrating not only for the villagers, but also for the government officials,…
5 Abril 2019
On March 11, the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Costa Rica (MINAE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Peru (MINAGRI) presented a program to exchange water harvesting technologies and water resource management. It has funding of up to 600 million colones from the European Union…
4 Abril 2019
When countries revise their land and forest tenure laws, whereby rights are granted to people who depend on forests for their livelihoods, one goal is to reduce disputes over land and resources. Despite this, conflicts persist, and sometimes new ones arise: why? In a multi-country study,…
30 Março 2019
Hundreds of protesters have blocked access to the major Las Bambas copper mine over claims they have been denied a fair share of revenues CHALLHUAHUACHO, Peru/LIMA March 29 (Reuters) - Peruvian police on Friday freed the leader of an indigenous community that has blocked roads to a major copper…
29 Março 2019
March 29 (UPI) -- Native protests over land rights in Colombia spread Friday while natives in Peru clashed with officials over pollution at a copper mine. In southwest Colombia, dialogue between the natives and government were suspended after President Ivan Duque visited the Cauca region to discuss…
23 Março 2019
En Cusco, las comunidades Huini Coroccohuaycco y Pacopata solicitan al Estado el inicio del proceso de consulta previa por la ampliación de las operaciones en los proyectos Tintaya y Antapaccay. Se trata de una demanda constitucional de amparo sobre la Modificatoria del Estudio de Impacto Ambiental…
21 Março 2019
NEW DELHI - A push to formalise land claims, map settlements and digitise records is not always in the best interests of vulnerable communities, and may even lead to greater rights abuses, analysts warned on Friday. From Peru to the Philippines, governments are curtailing the rights of indigenous…
31 Janeiro 2019
Nos últimos dias, o Acre foi palco do encontro dos países que fazem parte do projeto Integrando Área Protegidas da Amazônia (Iapa). O encontro encerrado nesta quarta-feira, 30 de Janeiro, foi realizado pela Rede de Cooperação Técnica Latino-americana de Parques Nacionais e outras áreas protegidas…
29 Janeiro 2019
Four coffee co-operatives in Peru will be trained in sustainable farming, learning about the best use of organic fertiliser and robust seeds BOGOTA, Jan 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Thousands of coffee farmers in Peru hope to produce higher and more profitable crop yields to better cope with…
29 Janeiro 2019
Imagine having decisions made on your behalf, decisions that impact your livelihood, your home, your culture – and not having a voice in the process.  Throughout their long histories, Indigenous Peoples have often been left out of crucial decisions that determine the fate of the natural resources…
19 Janeiro 2019
A recent Rights and Resources report provides strong evidence on the importance of recognizing and protecting indigenous rights towards mitigating forest-based emissions and curbing global warming. As a Ph.D. student coordinating the third round of data collection of CIFOR’s Global Comparative…
4 Janeiro 2019
Global climate negotiations take place on the international stage, bolstered by countries’ national policies. But preventing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and other land-use changes requires work at the local level. For those efforts to be effective, it is important to understand…