In the Three Rivers gazetted forest of northern Benin, the start of the agricultural season is a frequent hotspot of conflict between local communities and forest officials.
It is at this moment when demands are made for forest fees giving permission for residents to cultivate fields or graze…
Na floresta dos Três Rios no norte do Benin, o início da estação agrícola é um cenário frequente de conflitos entre as comunidades locais e as autoridades florestais.
É neste momento que são feitas exigências de taxas florestais dando permissão aos residentes para cultivar os campos ou pastar seu…
Dans la forêt classée des Trois Rivières, au nord du Bénin, le début de la saison agricole est un point chaud fréquent de conflits entre les communautés locales et les agents forestiers.
C'est à ce moment-là que l'on réclame des droits forestiers autorisant les habitants à cultiver les champs ou…
En el bosque de los Tres Ríos, en el norte de Benin, el inicio de la temporada agrícola es un punto de conflicto frecuente entre las comunidades locales y los funcionarios forestales.
Es en este momento cuando se exigen tasas forestales que den permiso a los residentes para cultivar los campos o…
The Land Portal advocates for more and better open land data, but more and better have never been our end objectives. Data must be used; it needs a purpose. One of the ways we practice what we preach is through our data stories.
The Land Portal regularly produces data stories on a wide range…
Maize is a key global cash crop, produced in every continent except Antarctica. As a flex crop, it has multiple uses including for direct human consumption, as an ingredient for animal feed, as a key component in processed foods, or in ethanol production. According to figures from FAOSTAT,…
O milho é uma cultura global fundamental, produzida em todos os continentes, exceto na Antártica. Como uma cultura flexível, tem múltiplos usos, inclusive para consumo humano direto, como ingrediente para ração animal, como componente chave em alimentos processados ou na produção de etanol. De…
Le maïs est une culture commerciale mondiale essentielle, produite sur tous les continents sauf l'Antarctique. En tant que culture flexible, il a de multiples usages, notamment pour la consommation humaine directe, comme ingrédient pour l'alimentation animale, comme composant clé des aliments…
El maíz es un cultivo comercial clave a nivel mundial, que se produce en todos los continentes excepto en la Antártida. Como cultivo flexible, tiene múltiples usos, entre ellos el consumo humano directo, como ingrediente para la alimentación animal, como componente clave en los alimentos procesados…
Curating land information is part of our daily work in the Land Portal. It includes selecting, categorizing, and enriching information with analysis and/or additional data, graphic visualizations, etc. In times with so much information available to choose from, people are increasingly seeking…
Summaries and selected replays from the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum are available below. Full replays of the plenary sessions will be posted shortly -- check back soon!
Session 1 (morning): Customary and Collective Forest Tenure in the Mekong Region
In a Nutshell:…
During Session 3 of the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum, we will talk about free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) standards, with the intention to address common concerns of government agencies and private investors about perceived challenges and risks in relation to FPIC application. The session…