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Urban Tenure
COVID-19 related content

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ONU-HABITAT participa de discussões sobre plano de desenvolvimento sustentável do Rio

07 Maio 2020 - 30 Maio 2020

O Programa das Nações Unidas para Assentamentos Humanos (ONU-HABITAT), por meio do projeto Sistemas de Responsabilidade Pública para Medir, Monitorar e Informar sobre Políticas Urbanas Sustentáveis na América Latina, acompanha a construção do Plano de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro (RJ).


How the Corona Crisis is Calling Into Question the "Right of the City”

Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2020

In late March, Indian Premier Narendra Modi imposed a three-week lockdown to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus. Since then, tens of thousands of migrant workers who had previously provided cheap labour in wealthy homes or on construction sites in the nation’s growing metropolises have been making their way back to their rural home regions.

Increasing Segregation? Impact of Covid19 in the Cities of Africa and South Asia

04 Abril 2020
Dr. Philip Amis

The current Covid 19 pandemic is likely to spread in the next few weeks and months to the South and in particular South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa. The impact may well be of a greater scale than that currently experienced in the North; India was the region with the highest loss of live in the 1918-1919 Spanish flu Pandemic. The experience and historical experience suggests that urban areas will be disproportionately affected.

Covid-19 pandemic exposes housing, food, water and sanitation problems in Nepal

07 Maio 2020

The government authorities seem content that people are obeying the lockdown regulations which keep on changing at the local level. The authorities believe that there is a positive correlation between the lockdown on the streets and public safety from the spread of the virus: the stricter the lockdown, the safer the population.

City demolitions expose Ethiopian families to coronavirus

29 Abril 2020

Human rights groups want a moratorium on demolitions and forced evictions of informal settlements under COVID-19

NAIROBI/ADDIS ABABA, April 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Scores of Ethiopian families are at risk of contracting the new coronavirus after authorities demolished their makeshift houses and left them homeless, human rights groups said on Wednesday.

Authorities in the capital began destroying the informal settlements near Bole International Airport in February.

Boumerdès : Prolifération inquiétante de bidonvilles en pleine crise sanitaire

04 Maio 2020



Date: 01/05/2020

De nombreuses personnes n’hésitent pas, en cette période de crise due au coronavirus, à ériger des constructions illicites. Elles accaparent des terrains domaniaux pour bâtir illégalement des habitations, des baraques, voire des villas, notamment le long des routes.


Éthiopie: Les expulsions forcées à Addis-Abeba jettent à la rue des personnes sans emploi dans un contexte de COVID-19

30 Abril 2020


Date: 29 avril 2020

Source: Amnesty International

Les autorités municipales d’Addis-Abeba ont démoli plusieurs dizaines de logements appartenant à des travailleurs journaliers au cours des trois dernières semaines, jetant ainsi à la rue au moins 1 000 personnes en pleine pandémie de COVID-19, a déclaré Amnesty International le 29 avril.

¿Cómo mitigar la propagación del coronavirus en los asentamientos informales durante la emergencia y recuperación ante la pandemia?

04 Abril 2020

l 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud clasificó a la enfermedad por coronavirus COVID-19 como una pandemia. En América Latina y el Caribe se han reportado ya miles de casos confirmados, en casi todos los países de la región, y un número creciente de fallecidos. Se espera que el número de casos, el número de muertes y el número de países afectados siga aumentando.

Land News South Africa: Urban land 31 March - 26 April 2020

29 Abril 2020

Urban land

Our urban land pages have been filled with the struggles of people living in townships and informal settlements during the pandemic. One of the controversial state responses to Covid 19 has been to propose the ‘thinning’ of densely settled areas in a bid to slow the speed of community viral transmission. These plans have been met with scepticism by residents of informal settlements who argued that such measures, taken without adequate consultation, would meet with resistance and be destined for failure.