COVID-19 related content
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Webinar on COVID-19 and Tenure Security
9th Capitalization Meeting of the EU Land Governance Programme
3 NOVEMBER 2020, 10.00 – 11.30 CET (9.00 – 10.30 GMT)
Acesso a alimentos gravemente desigual em todo o mundo
Land News: Sept - 18 Oct 2020 South Africa and region
KB.L seeks to bring to life all aspects of the ‘land issue’, recognizing that land is both a deeply important aspect of our history, and an emotive issue shaping our political landscape. KB.L seeks to develop a comprehensive sense of this history, heritage and memory through a combination of news, commissioned articles and links to research. We aim to be recognised as a trusted site providing a wide range of land related news content and research links both nationally and within Southern Africa.
Em dia internacional, ONU pede atenção para “sofrimento desproporcional” de mulheres rurais
Resistance of Indigenous Peoples to the Covid-19 virus in the context of the Pandemic
We represent around five percent of the population of humanity, but we preserve around eighty-two percent of the world's biodiversity.
Land News: Weeks 33-38 2020 South Africa, Southern Central and Eastern Africa
A compilation of land related news curated by - a website maintained by Phuhlisani NPC, a land sector NPO in South Africa. KB.L seeks to bring to life all aspects of the 'land issue', recognising that land is both a deeply important aspect of our history which simultaneously shapes the contemporary political landscape. KB.L aspires to be recognised as a trusted site providing a wide range of land related news content and research links in the South Africa and the sub continent.
Mulheres em Pernambuco constroem rede solidária para proteção à vida e garantia da dignidade
Governo chinês pede para agricultor superar danos às lavouras e retomar produção
Resistência dos povos Indígenas no enfrentamento do vírus sistemático e o vírus do Covid-19 no contexto da Pandemia
With rising population and declining arable land, China may be staring at a major food crisis
China estimates that by 2030, when its population is expected to reach 1.5 billion, it will need to produce an additional 100 million tons of food grains each year.
New Delhi: China faces a daunting task to feed 22 per cent of the world population with only 07 per cent of the global arable land. There are 334 million acres of arable land, of which roughly 37 million acres are non cultivable.
A luta da comunidade de Boa Esperança durante a pandemia de COVID-19
São cerca de 3 mil famílias que enfrentam a crueldade do desenvolvimentismos do modelo de cidade patrocinado pelo Banco Mundial, onde as famílias são desapropriadas dos seus modos de vida ribeirinhos para dar lugar ao progresso predador.