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Land & Food Security
COVID-19 related content

Displaying 85 - 96 of 146

Terrorismo e crise ambiental fazem mais de 360 mil deslocados no Chade

28 Setembro 2020
Mais de 360 mil pessoas na província de Lac, no Chade, foram forçadas a deixar as suas casas devido aos recorrentes ataques jihadistas e à crise ambiental, disse hoje a Organização Internacional para as Migrações (OIM).
“Entre 8 e 16 de agosto, 11.764 pessoas foram deslocadas” na região devido à insegurança e inundações, “um dos números mais elevados registados pela OIM num período tão curto”, disse a organização através de uma declaração.
O lago Chade, na fronteira entre a Nigéria, Níger, Camarões e Chade, foi transformado pe

A Land Without Farmers: Indonesia’s agricultural conundrum

13 Agosto 2020

(Main photo: Indonesia - Employment in agriculture, services and industry [% of total employment]. The data is according to the World Bank compilation of development indicators, collected from official sources.)

The rate at which the country is losing farmers is a cause for concern. If it continues, Indonesia is likely to have no farmers left in 50 years. What will we eat?

Land News South Africa 27 July - 11 August 2020

12 Agosto 2020

In this land news update from South Africa we focus on:

  • Our changing Covid 19 context
  • The unresolved problem of farm worker evictions
  • Budget cuts and food insecurity
  • Contestation over land administration in communal areas in KwaZulu-Natal province
  • The need for a digital deeds registry platform
  • Unresolved land restitution disputes
  • The  complex backstory behind mounting land occupations in Cape Town
  • A selection of land related news from Southern Central and Eastern Africa 

CFS High-Level Special Event on Food Security and Nutrition

13 Outubro 2020 - 15 Outubro 2020

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will organize a High-Level Virtual Special Event on Food Security and Nutrition, 13 - 15 October 2020. The session, in lieu of CFS 47 which has been rescheduled to 8 - 12 February 2021 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, will seek to keep food security and nutrition front and centre on the global sustainable development agenda.

FAO, Committee on World Food Security (CFS)

Mais de 50 milhões de pessoas em risco agravado de fome extrema em África

09 Julho 2020
A estimativa é feita no relatório “O vírus da fome: como a covid-19 está a aumentar a fome num mundo faminto”, da organização não-governamental Oxfam. 
Onze países africanos estão entre os principais pontos em que o risco de fome extrema foi agravado pela pandemia de covid-19, estimando-se que, só na região do Sahel, mais 50 milhões de pessoas entrem em crise alimentar.
A estimativa é feita no relatório “O vírus da fome: como a covid-19 está a aumentar a fome num mundo faminto”, da organização não-governamental Oxfam, que anal

Five years into the SDGs: are we on track to deliver the land targets?

16 Julho 2020

Acknowledging the centrality of land issues to end hunger and achieve sustainable development, countries have agreed to meet ambitious land targets by 2030. Five years into the SDGs, persistent land insecurity, land evictions, threats to land rights defenders and other challenges show that the land promises are not being delivered.

Land Portal Foundation
Landesa - Rural Development Institute
International Land Coalition

Informality of land and labour poise to expand COVID Toll: Securing Land Tenure, also critical to secure Nutrition

01 Julho 2020
Pranab Choudhury
Basanta Kumar Kar
Arabinda Kumar Padhee

Covid-19 pandemic has further worsened India’s hunger and malnutrition woes, more so for the millions of informal workers, now  struggling to meet two ends in their rural homes, post the mass migration from their place of works, during lockdowns. Their embedded informality over labour, land, housing tenure, has uprooted and shaken them with loss of income, occupation and habitat, multiplying their already entrenched nutrition vulnerability.