Quatrième congrès forestier mondial
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Meeting symbol/code: EFC 00 5-Add.1
The economic contributions of forests in Eastern African countries have not received the desired attention in terms of policy and budgetary allocation needed for sustained growth of these forests. This, among other reasons, has led to the reduction of forest zones and an increase in the import of forest-related products, resulting in dwindling foreign currency reserves.
This first edition of a synthesis document, compiling a status of forest genetic resources in the Sahelian and North-Sudanian zone of Africa and a sub-regional action plan for the sustainable management of these resources, is the fruit of a process undertaken at the initiative of countries in the sub-region, towards a better consideration of the important but complex issues linked to forest genetic resources.
An overview of the state of Indonesia's forests and forest industries. Future supply and demand and other expected developments are presented in the light of current trends and long term plans.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/8.3
Session: Sess. 23
This paper reviews various methodologies for forest valuation and describes how they have been used in the preparation of forestry investment projects and programmes. It confirms that many potentially good valuation methodologies exist and it presents summaries of most of the main methodologies used. The document highlights other important considerations that have to be considered in any analysis (e.g. distribution of costs and benefits, different perceptions of value). It also reveals that valuation is not widely used at the moment in forestry project preparation.
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 97 5
Ce numéro du journal Nature & Faune aborde le thème central suivant : « Les Forêts et les populations : Investir dans un avenir durable pour l’Afrique ». Il s’agit d’un numéro spécial pour célébrer la toute première édition du Congrès forestier mondial (CFM) en Afrique. Cet évènement offre aux pays, scientifiques, forestiers, décideurs et professionnels africains du secteur forestier et des domaines afférents, une opportunité de présenter leurs activités en cours dans le cadre du développement de la foresterie en Afrique.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/8.2
Session: Sess. 23
This case study is one of a series of publications produced by the Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch of FAO in an effort to promote environmentally sound forest harvesting and engineering practices. The purpose of these studies is to highlight both the promise of environmentally sound forest harvesting technologies as a component of sustainable forest management, and the constraints that must be overcome in order to assure widespread adoption of those technologies.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/6.1 Rev.1 (English only)
Session: Sess. 23