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From villages in rural India to the corridors of power in Brussels, Transparency International gives voice to the victims and witnesses of corruption. We work together with governments, businesses and citizens to stop the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals.

As a global movement with one vision, we want a world free of corruption. Through chapters in more than 100 countries and an international secretariat in Berlin, we are leading the fight against corruption to turn this vision into reality.

The Gecko Project

The Gecko Project is an investigative journalism initiative established to shine a light on the corruption driving land grabs and the destruction of tropical rainforests. It seeks to create and maintain a sense of urgency over the role of large land deals, predominantly for food production, in some of the most pressing global challenges: climate change, the collapse of biodiversity, food security, and the rights of indigenous peoples and other rural communities. We aim to achieve this through the production and promotion of in-depth, high-quality and accessible journalism.

McGill University

McGill University is one of Canada's best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. With students coming to McGill from over 150 countries, our student body is the most internationally diverse of any research-intensive university in the country. 

Comité National du Code Rural du Niger

Quel est le rôle du Comité National du Code Rural ? Comment est-il structuré ?

Le Comité National du Code Rural (CNCR) est chargé de l’élaboration, de la vulgarisation et du suivi de l’application des principes d’orientation du Code Rural.

Le Comité National du Code Rural est structuré en organes :

  • Un bureau exécutif du Comité,
  • Un secrétariat permanent national,
  • Un comité consultatif


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Research Consortium

Launched in 2018, the Research Consortium, by Resource Equity, is a powerful hub for the collection, sharing, and exchange of knowledge on how to effectively advance women’s land rights. We identify gaps in knowledge and help develop a common agenda for research so that learnings can more easily be compared, shared, and applied.





O Instituto Tricontinental de Pesquisa Social é uma instituição internacional, orientada pelos movimentos populares, focada em estimular o debate intelectual para o serviço das aspirações do povo.

Nossa história

O significado do Tricontinental:

Revista de História - USP

A Revista de História (RH) é um periódico de avaliação QUALIS A1 (História/Interdisciplinar) que publica artigos em português, inglês, espanhol e francês, originais inéditos ou traduzidos, resenhas, entrevistas com historiadores e edições críticas de fontes documentais.
Ocasionalmente, também publica textos de áreas afins (AntropologiaB2, ArqueologiaB2, Ciência PolíticaB5, EconomiaØ, SociologiaA2, EducaçãoB1, GeografiaB4 etc).
Pretende, assim, contribuir para o debate qualificado no âmbito historiográfico direcionado a um público mais amplo,

Civil Society Coalition on Land


CICOL is a movement interested in and working together to ensure the voice of the voiceless and of those most affected right holders are present in the debate on land. CICOL hopes to have an enhanced socio-economic growth with secured tenure and equitable access to and control over land for poor rural women and smallholder farmers.


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