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There are 4, 407 content items of different types and languages related to mulher on the Land Portal.



Displaying 49 - 60 of 110

Womankind Worldwide

Womankind Worldwide is a global women’s rights organisation working in solidarity and equal partnership with women’s rights organisations and movements to transform the lives of women.


Our vision is of a just world where the rights of all women are respected, valued and realised.

Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform - Republic of South Africa


The Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) was created in 2009. For the first time in its history, the country would have a ministry dedicated to the social and economic development of rural South Africa; committed to ensuring that South Africans residing in rural areas enjoyed the same benefits as their urban cousins, so that that they too were covered by the blanket of human rights and basic dignity guaranteed in our Constitution.

Women’s Land Link Africa


Women's Land Link Africa (WLLA) is a joint regional partnership project that was launched in 2004. The WLLA was founded on the principal that all who are truly dedicated to improving the situation for women's land and housing rights (and to doing so in a manner which is both sustainable and stakeholder-driven) can and must link in complementary ways. The WLLA supports and strengthens linkages between regional stakeholders focused on improving women's access to, control over and ownership of land and housing in Africa. Working in isolation has rarely improved situations.

United Nations Development Fund for Women


The United Nations Development Fund for Women, commonly known as UNIFEM (from the French "Fonds de développement des Nations unies pour la femme") was established in December 1976 originally as the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women in the International Women's Year. Since 1976 it has supported women’s empowerment and gender equality through its programme offices and links with women’s organizations in the major regions of the world.

Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


The mission of the Global Initiative is to:

  • Contribute to networks of human rights, women’s rights, environmental and development organizations and agencies to advance the sustainable enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights at both national and international levels.
  • Support and engage advocates, social movements and grassroots communities at national and local levels to more effectively claim and enforce economic, social and cultural rights, including by engaging international mechanisms for local impact. 

Centre for Rural Legal Studies


The Centre for Rural Legal Studies (CRLS) was established in 1991 as a non-governmental organisation committed to the redistribution of power and resources in rural areas of the Western, Northern and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa. The CRLS has developed considerable expertise in training, research and advocacy in the land and labour sectors with a specific gender emphasis.

The CRLS promotes the land and labour interests of men and women farm workers in the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape of South Africa through:

Revista Estudos Feministas

Revista Estudos Feministas

A Revista Estudos Feministas é um periódico de publicação quadrimestral, indexado e interdisciplinar, de circulação nacional e internacional. A Revista Estudos Feministas aceita originais, em português e em espanhol, em forma de artigos, ensaios e resenhas, que podem ser tanto específicos a uma determinada disciplina quanto interdisciplinares em sua metodologia, teorização e bibliografia

Cadernos do CEAS


Desde que foram lançados (1969), os Cadernos do CEAS buscam discutir criticamente temas diversos, que se relacionam com questões sociais, sempre na perspectiva de analisar a realidade brasileira em sua inserção internacional, apontando as iniciativas das classes trabalhadoras como caminho para a superação das situações de opressão e dos seus traços mais perversos, com o resgate da gigantesca desigualdade social que torna o Brasil um caso único e extremo entre os países industrializados.

Acção Académica Para O Desenvolvimento Das Comunidades Rurai


A Acção Académica para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais (ADECRU) é uma organização da sociedade civil fundada em Outubro de 2007 por jovens estudantes universitários, numa acção mobilizadora entre os seus membros e os demais, constituindo-se como uma pessoa colectiva e de direito privado, dotada de uma personalidade jurídica e sem fins lucrativos, cujo objectivo é impulsionar os focos da consciência cidadã e a agenda de desenvolvimento local, promovendo maior envolvimento e interacção entre os vários actores nacionais e internacionais em prol do desenvolvimento d

Fórum Mulher

O Fórum Mulher é uma rede de organizações  não-governamental de direito privado e sem fins lucrativos, constituída em 1993, com cerca de 35 membros efectivos, que são organizações nacionais de sociedade civil. A organização define-se como sociedade civil, a partir de uma perspectiva feminista, com o papel de mediadora entre sociedade civil e Estado nas relações com as políticas governamentais e no fortalecimento das organizações que lutam pelos direitos das mulheres.

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