Government of Uganda
This is the profile for all Governmental Institutions in Republic of Uganda.
This is the profile for all Governmental Institutions in Republic of Uganda.
Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) is an independent public policy research and advocacy think tank based in Uganda working in East and Southern Africa. ACODE was first registered in 1999 as a Non-governmental organization (NGO). In 2004, the organization was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and without having a share capital. ACODE is one of the most dynamic and robust regional leaders in cutting-edge public policy research and analysis in a range of areas including governance, trade, environment, and science and technology.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers was an independent academic publishing company dating back to the nineteenth century, which is now an imprint of Brill Publishers. Founded in 1683, Brill is a publishing house with a rich history and a strong international focus. The name was changed to Brill–Nijhoff. Brill is a prestigious imprint with its portfolio focuses on areas in Public International Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and increasingly on International Relations. Brill publishes over 800 books per year in both print and electronic format.
Odisha is one of the federal States of the Union of India which came into existence from 1936. The Government of Odisha has number of Departments under it, like the Ministry in case of Government of India, to deal with administration and governance of the State of Odisha. As land is under the State list of the Constitution of India, Revenue and Disaster Management Department of the Government of Odisha has been mainly dealing with matters related to land.
PhD Student, University of Edinburgh School of Geosciences
Economic valuation of ecosystem services for improved land governance and livelihoods: case study in large scale land acquisitions in Zambia
A team of bachelors students from the 2016-2019 class of the European Law School Programme working with data collected by students from the 2017-2020 class of the European Law School Programme with the aim of creating a summary of the land laws for multiple countries.
The team consists of: Bert Brookfield-Hird, Alexandra Aldous, Lisa Beatrice Ferrari, Doris Beganović, Magda Jacyna and Ines Garreau.
A Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) foi fundada em 1968 e foi a primeira instituição federal de Ensino Superior instalada no interior do Estado de São Paulo. A Universidade se destaca pelo alto nível de qualificação de seu corpo docente: 99,8% são doutores ou mestres e 95,8% dos professores desenvolvem atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão em regime de dedicação exclusiva.
A Universidade possui quatro campi: São Carlos, Araras, Sorocaba e Lagoa do Sino.
Green Scenery is concerned that 60% of the total area in one of the districts in Sierra Leone could soon be converted for large-scale industrial oil palm plantations.