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Issuescobertura do soloLandLibrary Resource
There are 2, 239 content items of different types and languages related to cobertura do solo on the Land Portal.

cobertura do solo


Displaying 1501 - 1512 of 1964

Does estuarine health relate to catchment land-cover in the East Kleinemonde system, South Africa?

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014
África do Sul
África austral

Temporarily open/closed estuaries in South Africa are being subjected to varying degrees of catchment land-cover transformation. Natural landscapes and hydrological functions are integral to the functioning of estuaries. The relationship between catchment land-cover and the health of the East Kleinemonde Estuary was investigated between 2011 and 2013, using geographic information system (GIS) techniques to delineate and quantify land-cover in the whole catchment, in the lower section of the catchment, and in the 1 km and 100 m buffer zones surrounding the estuary.

Pollinator body size mediates the scale at which land use drives crop pollination services

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

Ecosystem services to agriculture, such as pollination, rely on natural areas adjacent to farmland to support organisms that provide services. Native insect pollinators depend on natural or semi‐natural land surrounding farms for nesting and alternative foraging resources. Despite interest in conserving pollinators through habitat restoration, the scale at which land use affects pollinators and thus crop pollination services is not well understood. We measured abundance of native, wild bee pollinators and the pollination services they provided to highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum L.

Antarctic land-cover classification using IKONOS and Hyperion data at Terra Nova Bay

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Low or medium spatial resolution satellite images are used for environmental monitoring in remote, extremely cold areas such as Antarctica. However, they cannot provide detailed spatial and spectral information over Antarctic areas. For obtaining this information, we propose an Antarctic land-cover classification method using IKONOS and Hyperion data over Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. High spatial resolution IKONOS imagery enabled the detection of detailed, accurate boundaries between areas of snow, ice, vegetation, water and rock.

Landsat-comparable land cover maps using ASTER and SPOT images: a case study for large-area mapping programmes

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

The long-term record of global Landsat data is an important resource for studying Earth's system. Given the identified gaps in Landsat data and the undetermined future status of Landsat data availability, alternatives to Landsat imagery need to be tested in an operational environment. In this study, forest land cover and crown closure maps generated from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and System Pour 1'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) data were compared to Landsat-based map products currently in use by the grizzly bear habitat-mapping program.

cost effective stratified two-stage sampling design to estimate the forest land area of southern Chile

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

There is a growing demand for improving the measurement of forest resources, with more frequent updating and better information on environmental variables. We explore the cost efficiency of a stratified two-stage design using area sampling to estimate the forest plantation and native forest areas in southern Chile. Analytical expressions for the approximate mean square error of combined and separate ratio estimators are derived applying Taylor linearization.

Segmented canonical discriminant analysis of in situ hyperspectral data for identifying 13 urban tree species

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011
Estados Unidos

A total of 458 in situ hyperspectral data were collected from 13 urban tree species in the City of Tampa, FL, USA using a spectrometer. The 13 species include 11 broadleaf and two conifer species. Three different techniques, segmented canonical discriminant analysis (CDA), segmented principal component analysis (PCA) and segmented stepwise discriminate analysis (SDA), were applied and compared for dimension reduction and feature extraction.

Implications of land-cover types for soil erosion on semiarid mountain slopes: Towards sustainable land use in problematic landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

The impact of land-cover types on soil erosion and runoff, as well as on physico-chemical soil properties, was monitored. The study area, an agroforestry landscape was located in Sierra Nevada Mountains in south-eastern Spain. Eight land-cover types were investigated: farmland planted with olive, almond, and cereals; forest with P. halepensis and P. sylvestris; shrubland; grassland; and abandoned farmland. The erosion plots replicated twice were located on hillslopes, where erosion and runoff were measured after 22 storm events.

CropScape: A Web service based application for exploring and disseminating US conterminous geospatial cropland data products for decision support

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012
Estados Unidos

The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) contains crop and other specific land cover classifications obtained using remote sensing for the conterminous United States. This raster-formatted and geo-referenced product has been widely used in such applications as disaster assessments, land cover and land use research, agricultural sustainability studies, and agricultural production decision-making. The traditional CDL data distribution channels include paper thematic maps, email data requests, CD/DVD media, and ftp bulk downloading.

Assessment of landscape aesthetics—Validation of a landscape metrics-based assessment by visual estimation of the scenic beauty

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

The assessment of cultural ecosystem services, in our case landscape aesthetics, is the most commonly investigated but least formalized issue in the scope of the ecosystem services concept. In contrast to ecological or economic aspects, the assessment of aesthetics cannot easily be based on quantitative information. Therefore, two different methodological approaches that assess landscape aesthetics either from an objective or a subjective point of view have been established in the past. This article presents in its first part an objective, landscape metrics-based assessment approach.

hybrid method combining SOM-based clustering and object-based analysis for identifying land in good agricultural condition

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Remotely sensed imagery is currently used as an efficient tool for agricultural management and monitoring. In addition, the use of remotely sensed imagery in Europe has been extended towards determination of the areas potentially eligible for the farmer subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), through interactive or automatic land cover identification.

Influence of hydrological regime and land cover on traits and potential export capacity of adult aquatic insects from river channels

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Despite many studies highlighting the widespread occurrence and effects of resource movement between ecosystems, comparatively little is known about how anthropogenic alterations to ecosystems affect the strength, direction and importance of such fluxes. Hydrological regime and riparian land use cause well-documented changes in riverine larval invertebrate communities.

Landscape-level analysis of mountain goat population connectivity in Washington and southern British Columbia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Habitat fragmentation and habitat loss diminish population connectivity, reducing genetic diversity and increasing extinction risk over time. Improving connectivity is widely recommended to preserve the long-term viability of populations, but this requires accurate knowledge of how landscapes influence connectivity. Detectability of landscape effects on gene flow is highly dependent on landscape context, and drawing conclusions from single landscape studies may lead to ineffective management strategies.