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Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is a national organization which assembles and represents business community, employers and business associations of all economic sectors in Vietnam. To promote trade and business relations with enterprises abroad is one of its main functions.[1] VCCI is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization having the status of a legal entity and operating with financial autonomy.

Confederação Nacional de Municípios


A Confederação Nacional de Municípios (CNM) é uma organização independente, apartidária e sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 8 de fevereiro de 1980.

O objetivo maior da CNM é consolidar o movimento municipalista, fortalecer a autonomia dos Municípios e transformar nossa entidade em referência mundial na representação municipal, a partir de iniciativas políticas e técnicas que visem à excelência na gestão e à qualidade de vida da população.

Rede Brasileira de Informação Ambiental


A REBIA – Rede Brasileira de Informação Ambiental é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos, independente, sem vínculos partidários ou religiosos, que visa contribuir para a formação e fortalecimento da cidadania socioambiental planetária através da democratização da informação ambiental e da educação ambiental, com uma visão plural e democrática da questão socioambiental e da sustentabilidade, e que se rege por seus Estatutos e pela legislação específica

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

A Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), como instituição pluridisciplinar de formação de profissionais de nível superior, de pesquisa, de extensão e de domínio e cultivo do saber humano, tem a honra de se apresentar a toda a Comunidade Universitária, aos seus parceiros nacionais e estrangeiros e a toda a sociedade em geral.

National Land Commission of Kenya



Excellent administration and management of land for sustainable development



To implement an efficient land administration and management system in order to ensure equity in access to land



  • Efficiency
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Innivativeness
  • Integrity

Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship


Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship is an international scientific journal of independent economists.

Journal headlines: Agriculture, Macroeconomic, Regional economy, Management, Entrepreneurship, Banking, International business, etc.

ISSN 1999-2300.

Journal is issued once in 1 months (12 issues a year).

Both Russian & English articles are accepted.

Journal is indexed in Agris (profile articles in English), Russian index of scientific citing.

Journal of African Economies


The Journal of African Economies is a vehicle to carry rigorous economic analysis, focused entirely on Africa, for Africans and anyone interested in the continent - be they consultants, policymakers, academics, traders, financiers, development agents or aid workers.

Land Governance Multi Stakeholder Dialogue


The Dutch Land Governance Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (LG MSD) is a dialogue jointly organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, companies, financial institutions, civil society organizations and knowledge institutes. Its organizing committee consists of representatives from Oxfam, Both ENDS, FMO, Actiam, APG, Utrecht University and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Financial Times


The Financial Times (FT) is an English-language international daily newspaper, headquartered in London, with a special emphasis on business and economic news.

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