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There are 8, 238 content items of different types and languages related to administração fundiária on the Land Portal.
Displaying 3073 - 3084 of 5230

Recognizing trade‐offs in multi‐objective land management

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

As natural resource management and conservation goals expand and evolve, practitioners and policy makers are increasingly seeking options that optimize benefits among multiple, often contradictory objectives. Here, we describe a simple approach for quantifying the consequences of alternative management options in terms of benefits and trade‐offs among multiple objectives.

Practical Challenges in Private Stewardship of Rangeland Ecosystems: Yellow Starthistle Control in Sierra Nevadan Foothills

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2009

Private landowners are often de facto stewards of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In California's Sierra Nevada foothills, ranchers frequently present the only defense against biological invasions in private rangelands. Although ranchers' land management goals (e.g., the desire to control invasive species) can be consistent with ecosystem protection, practical constraints often limit their success. Considerable research on the invasive weed, yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.), has produced numerous control strategies.

Effects of land management practices on water quality in Mississippi Delta oxbow lakes: Biochemical and microbiological aspects

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

The Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) project was designed to assess the effects of land management practices on water quality in three small oxbow lake watersheds; Thighman (1338ha, 16ha lake); Beasley (915ha, 25ha lake); and Deep Hollow (132ha, 8ha lake).

Green pretexts: Ecotourism, neoliberal conservation and land grabbing in Tayrona National Natural Park, Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

While conflict-related dynamics are recognized as causes of land grabbing in Colombia, violent processes of exclusion and expropriation behind ‘greener’ projects are often seen as disconnected from them. The case of ecotourism in Tayrona National Natural Park makes it possible to explore the geographies of violence that sustain tourism in the area and their role in shaping everyday resource politics. This paper shows how green pretexts of paradisiacal spots in need of protection have contributed to privatization and dispossession.

Genetic consequences of forest fragmentation by agricultural land in an arboreal marsupial

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

CONTEXT: Increasing demands on land for agriculture have resulted in large-scale clearance and fragmentation of forests globally. In fragmented landscapes, species that tolerate or exploit the matrix will persist, while those that do not, frequently decline. Knowledge of matrix use is therefore critical to predicting extinction proneness of species in modified landscapes and defining the value of land for conservation management.

Crop insurance, disaster payments, and land use change: the effect of sodsaver on incentives for grassland conversion

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Subsidized crop insurance may encourage conversion of native grassland to cropland. The Sodsaver provision of the 2008 farm bill could deny crop insurance on converted land in the Prairie Pothole states for 5 years. Supplemental Revenue Assistance payments, which are linked to crop insurance purchases, could also be withheld. Using representative farms, we estimate that Sodsaver would reduce expected crop revenue by up to 8% and expected net return by up to 20%, while increasing the standard deviation of revenue by as much as 6% of market revenue.

Impact of tillage and fertilizer application method on gas emissions in a corn cropping system

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012
Estados Unidos

Tillage and fertilization practices used in row crop production are thought to alter greenhouse gas emissions from soil. This study was conducted to determine the impact of fertilizer sources, land management practices, and fertilizer placement methods on greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions. A new prototype implement developed for applying poultry litter in subsurface bands in the soil was used in this study.

Quantifying the effect of historical soil management on soil erosion rates in Mediterranean olive orchards

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Olive orchards are an important agro-ecosystem in the Mediterranean. Soil erosion is a widely recognized threat to their sustainability. However, the variability of short-term soil erosion measurements and the limited understanding of driving processes result in a considerable uncertainty over the long-term effects of soil erosion. This study aims at measuring and modelling soil erosion rates in olive orchards over a 250-year period, and relating these to changes in management practices and yield, as documented from historical sources.

Fire Management, Managed Relocation, and Land Conservation Options for Long‐Lived Obligate Seeding Plants under Global Changes in Climate, Urbanization, and Fire Regime

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

Most species face multiple anthropogenic disruptions. Few studies have quantified the cumulative influence of multiple threats on species of conservation concern, and far fewer have quantified the potential relative value of multiple conservation interventions in light of these threats.

Biomass Estimation Approach Impacts on Calculated Soil Organic Carbon Maintenance Requirements and Associated Mineralization Rate Constants

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

To reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations and provide food for a growing world population, sustainable management practices must be adopted. An important consideration in the development of sustainable practices is the maintenance of soil organic carbon (SOC). Critical assumptions, with unknown errors, are used to calculate SOC maintenance requirements.

Understanding the Motivations, Satisfaction, and Retention of Landowners in Private Land Conservation Programs

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
África do Sul
África austral

Private land conservation is an increasingly popular approach to protect critical biodiversity. In the Western Cape Province of South Africa private land conservation is the focal strategy for CapeNature, the provincial conservation agency. Despite its importance, little is known about the drivers of landowner participation in the CapeNature program and how these varied motivations influence participant satisfaction and retention.

Employment of Indigenous Australians in the forestry sector: a case study from northern Queensland

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

SummaryThere are compelling reasons to encourage the employment of Indigenous Australians in the forestry sector. The benefits of, and constraints to, Indigenous employment in the sector were examined using a case study approach focused on Indigenous participation in ‘Operation Farm Clear’, an emergency response following Cyclone Larry in northern Queensland in 2006. The findings suggested that, given a supportive environment, there are opportunities for Indigenous people to benefit from employment in the forestry sector.