Gender and land champions can help - seven years of WOLTS in Tanzania
Many rural communities in Tanzania share similar challenges from mining companies and investors. I have seen first-hand how men and women gender and land champions can help.
Many rural communities in Tanzania share similar challenges from mining companies and investors. I have seen first-hand how men and women gender and land champions can help.
The Rangelands Initiative of the International Land Coalition (ILC) is drawing attention to rangelands and drylands at the highest levels, in order to find solutions to the challenges faced by local populations that live and work there, and to encourage appropriate investment including in securing land rights and good governance, building resilience to drought and other shocks or stresses, and increasing rangeland productivity.
20 milhões de fulânis vivem sem lar e sem paz: seu modo de vida e o preconceito espalham conflitos na África
Os fulânis, também chamados peul ou fulbe, são um grupo de mais de 20 milhões de pessoas dispersas por 15 países, da costa atlântica do Senegal à densa selva centro-africana.
Este povo, como todos os outros nômades, fascina e preocupa: contrariam os fundamentos de casa e fronteiras estabelecidos nas sociedades ocidentais e africanas desde a sua colonização.