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REURB de Bonito reconhece o direito das mulheres

09 Outubro 2020
Espaço Feminista
No dia 15 de setembro, 479 famílias do município de Bonito, cidade do Agreste Pernambucano, efetivaram uma grande conquista: o direito reconhecido ao espaço em que vivem. Mais de 70% dos documentos de propriedade que serão emitidos pelo cartório terão a mulher como beneficiária, seja como única proprietária ou como primeira titular do direito nos casos de titulação conjunta.

Na comunidade de Jacaré as mulheres e suas famílias estão celebrando o direito conquistado de permanecer na terra onde vivem há mais de 50 anos.

16 Maio 2020
Espaço Feminista
Conheçam a pequena comunidade de Jacaré de Gonçalves Ferreira, em Caruaru, Brasil, onde um grupo de mulheres está celebrando sua vitória. 
Google Earth
Mapa de Localização do Sitio do Jacaré, Caruaru, Pernambuco.

Ten land messages from ILDC2020 that India needs to listen to

10 Março 2020
Mr. Pranab Choudhury

About 350 land actors from government, academia, civil society and business came together from more than 15 states and outside India to discuss and debate various land issues. In more than 30 sessions, about 150 speakers and panelists deliberated over 3 days around interdisciplinary land-conversations to generate important information and evidence for policy, practice and academics.

Ten important land messages that emerge from these land conversations are:

ILDC-2020: A brief overview of proceedings

10 Março 2020
Narayana Gatty

India-Land and Development Conference (ILDC) – 2020 held in New Delhi from March 2 to 4 saw a lively debate on a wide range of issues relating to India’s land sector. More than 100 academicians, young researchers, activists and policy makers made their presentations in the conference spread across 34 thematic and two plenary sessions. More than 350 delegates participated in the event. 

As terras, o seu aproveitamento e o combate à pobreza no campo

13 Janeiro 2020
Da terra podem sair produtos para alimentar a indústria transformadora que pode vir a desenvolver-se nos próximos tempos, o que, a acontecer, poderá incentivar a produção agrícola, com ganhos para os camponeses e para a sociedade.
Os camponeses precisam entretanto de possuir documentos que atestem a titularidade dos espaços em que cultivam, sem receio de serem perturbados por indivíduos gananciosos que se querem apropriar de terras, não tendo em muitos casos vocação para as aproveitar convenientemente.
Como afirmou o ministro de Estado e Chefe da Casa Ci

Leveraging Open Data in the Fight Against Corruption

26 Novembro 2019
Clinton Omusula

The land sector is increasingly being cited as a corruption hub. Many countries across the globe are grappling with land-related corruption that dates to the colonial years and which have metamorphosed into historical injustices and continue to be a source of conflict and violation of basic human rights. Cases of land grabbing, compensation-less expropriation, gender-based discrimination in accessing and ownership of land and related resources, illegal mining deals, bribing to access land administration services among others are not new in the lands sector.

“This plot is not for sale!”: Land Administration and Land Disputes in Uganda

06 Novembro 2019
Miss Teddy Kisembo

“This plot is not for sale” are the six words you will find, marked on a lot of properties and plots of land in Uganda. The words are meant to ward off quack land or property brokers and conmen. Most of the cases handled in courts in Uganda, and Kampala in particular, are fraud-related cases (like selling land while the true owners are away using counterfeit titles) and land transaction fraud (when fake land titles are obtained and sadly some officers in the land registry are involved).

Land rights for cocoa farmers aren’t just good stewardship, they’re smart business

05 Novembro 2019
Yuliya Panfil

Last week the World Cocoa Foundation, a membership organization of more than 100 cocoa companies, held its annual partnership meeting in Berlin, Germany. The aim of the meeting is for governments, cocoa companies and farmers to identify and tackle the sector’s largest sustainability challenges. A 90-minute session was devoted to the topic of land tenure. The prominence of the session, as well as the seniority of the presenters – the Head of Sustainable Sourcing for Hershey’s and the Deputy Director General of Cote d’Ivoire’s Land Agency among them – is a powerful signaling effect.