Farm Community Trust of Zimbabwe
Farm Community Trust of Zimbabwe (FCTZ) is a Zimbabwe NGO formed in 1996 to respond to the growing demands for development services in the large-scale commercial farming areas.
Farm Community Trust of Zimbabwe (FCTZ) is a Zimbabwe NGO formed in 1996 to respond to the growing demands for development services in the large-scale commercial farming areas.
The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) is a premier national institution bringing together research programmes in food crops, horticultural and industrial crops, livestock and range management, land and water management, and socio-economics. KARI promotes sound agricultural research, technology generation and dissemination to ensure food security through improved productivity and environmental conservation.
La Reunión Especializada de Agricultura Familiar del MERCOSUR (REAF) es un espacio de encuentro entre productores familiares, organizaciones e instituciones rurales de la región, funciona desde 2004 con el objetivo de generar un marco de políticas públicas regionales para la agricultura familiar.
The Journal of Agrarian Change is a peer-reviewed academic journal established in 2001 covering agrarian political economy. The journal publishes historical and contemporary studies of the social relations and dynamics of production, power relations in agrarian formations and ownership structures and their processes of change.
The Southern Africa Food Lab (Food Lab) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that grapples with questions around food systems in southern Africa to foster long-term food security in the region. The initiative brings together diverse, influential stakeholders in the regional food system in order to respond to systemic issues in creative ways and to inspire change in how we think about and act on complex social challenges.
The mandate to develop the agriculture sector calls for putting in place an effective organizational structure and manned by staff capable of planning, coordinating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating agricultural development programs. It also ensures that its staff and the farmers are trained to cope with the challenges of developing the agriculture sector.
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is an international non-profit organization that undertakes scientific research for development.
Our approach is through partnerships and with an Inclusive Market Oriented Development.
Partnerships are critical as ICRISAT takes a catalyst role to help rural communities develop their own solutions and engage
the actors needed to bring the vision to reality.
La Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, Corpoica, es una entidad pública descentralizada de participación mixta sin ánimo de lucro, de carácter científico y técnico, cuyo objeto es desarrollar y ejecutar actividades de Investigación, Tecnología y transferir procesos de Innovación tecnológica al sector agropecuario.
The International Potato Center, known by its Spanish acronym CIP, was founded in 1971 as a root and tuber research-for-development institution delivering sustainable solutions to the pressing world problems of hunger, poverty, and the degradation of natural resources. CIP is truly a global center, with headquarters in Lima, Peru and offices in 20 developing countries across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Working closely with our partners, CIP seeks to achieve food security, increased well-being, and gender equity for poor people in the developing world.
IRRI aims to improve livelihoods and nutrition, abolishing poverty, hunger and malnutrition among those who depend on rice-based agri-food systems. In doing so, IRRI’s work protects the health of rice farmers and consumers, and the environmental sustainability of rice farming in a world challenged by climate change. IRRI’s work promotes the empowerment of women and supports opportunities for youth in an equitable agri-food system.
EIAR is a governmental research institute that conducts vast research activities in different research areas with the vision to see an improved livelihood of all Ethiopians engaged in agriculture, agro-pastoralism and pastoralism through market competitive agricultural technologies.
The World Vegetable Center, an international nonprofit research and development institute, is committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables.