Mongolia Shows How to Fight for Environmental Justice
Cover Image by: Munkhgerel Baterdene
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The increasing number of salmon in the Skjern River in Denmark is a positive sign, as the Danish salmon is the only strain of wild salmon left in Danish rivers. Before the Skjern River Nature Restoration Project, the salmon had almost gone extinct owing to the state of the environment. The project area now offers ideal conditions for flora and fauna and has already acquired great natural value. In fact, it has already grown into a bird site of national importance.
In the last 15 years, Paraguay lost a greater share of its forest than almost any other country on Earth. While soy farming once drove deforestation in the east, the focus of Paraguay's forest loss has since moved west to the low-lying, thorn-forested Chaco, where cattle ranching has claimed over 3.7 million hectares (9 million acres) of forest for pastureland – an area about the size of the Netherlands – between 2001 and 2015.
A conversation with Julie Maldonado, Associate Director at Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network (LiKEN), and Co-Director of Rising Voices: Climate Resilience through Indigenous and Earth Sciences.
Na Indonésia e Sudeste Asiático, produção de arroz sofre com a mudança no padrão de chuvas e entidades internacionais temem que uma das bases da alimentação mundial possa passar por problemas, com um impacto social e na violência. IPCC apela para que governos escutem povos tradicionais e indígenas na gestão de terras.
GENEBRA – A América Latina foi a região do mundo que registrou a maior queda de cobertura florestal nos 15 primeiros anos do século 21. Os dados foram apresentados nesta quinta-feira pela FAO e destacam que, no atual ritmo, o planeta não conseguirá atingir seus objetivos de conservação do meio ambiente até 2030.