Construindo o Futuro de África: Investigação e Inovação Agrícola para a Transformação Agraria, Resiliência e Inclusão
Local: Campus principal da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. Maputo, Moçambique.
NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Earth Observations for Humanitarian Applications. Refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), and other displaced populations are made more vulnerable to climate change impacts due to their socio-political marginalization. This three-part, intermediate training presents concrete strategies for mapping localized climate conditions with risks faced by refugee and IDP communities around the world.
The training will focus on flood risk assessments and specific challenges for assessing flood risk in refugee and IDP camps; gauging long-term heat stress in refugee camps and the challenges with decision making surrounding heat risk; and monitoring drought effects on agricultural landscapes in refugee settings using Earth observations (EO) to explore the correlations between anomalies in crop productivity and weather-based factors
This webinar will focus on assess areas at risk from disasters due to landslides; characterize the extent and impacts of oil spills;and characterizing inundation extent.
This two-part webinar series will provide an overview of resources for choosing climate projection sets for mitigation, adaptation, and risk management applications.
O que é a natureza? Como definir “meio ambiente”? De que forma é que o que pensamos sobre estes conceitos determina as nossas ações em relação aos seres não humanos, tanto individual como coletivamente? E qual o impacto de outros seres vivos e não vivos (plantas, animais, fungos, rios, montanhas, etc.) na nossa maneira de pensar e na nossa cultura?
Os Povos Indígenas a nível mundial têm uma elevada exposição às mudanças climáticas e são frequentemente considerados uma população "em risco", embora haja provas crescentes da sua resiliência. Uma ampla investigação ilustra que os Povos Indígenas estão observando e se adaptando ativamente à mudança de diversas maneiras.
Energy impacts everything we do, from providing basic services such as cooking and cleaning to providing development opportunities and improving overall quality of life. However, energy management, through energy production, transmission, and distribution, is impacted by environmental and climate conditions, including weather patterns or extremes and climate change.