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Llegamos al número 200 ¡Gracias mil!

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2017
América do Sul

La Paz, Bolivia
31 de agosto de 2017
Llegamos al número 200 ¡Gracias mil!
Oscar Bazoberry Chali Carmen Beatriz Ruiz
Transcurría julio del 2008 y el IPDRS era solamente una idea, pero, aunque jurídicamente aún no existía, ya se habían definido algunas de sus líneas de acción, entre ellas, contribuir a la reflexión y el debate sobre el desarrollo rural en Sudamérica a través de un formato de artículos cortos y ágiles que bautizamos como Diálogos.

Land use competition in SubSaharan Africa’s rural areas

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa has always been perceived as a land-abundant continent. Deininger & Byerlee (2011) estimate that the continent has the largest area of potentially available uncultivated land. Despite these abundant resources, the agricultural sector continues to be dominated by smallholder production that is characterized by high labor and low capital intensities – but still produces the majority of food in Africa (IFAD & UNEP, 2013).

India Land & Development Conference 2017-Proceedings

Conference Papers & Reports
Julho, 2017


This report was prepared by Centre for Land Governance, NRMC, the Secretariat of India Land & Development Conference 2017. This report provides an overview of the proceedings of India Land & Development Conference, organized at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on April 5-6th 2017.

This report consists sharing of experiences, knowledge and practices over eight thematic sessions, two panel discussions and a special session.

Eight Sessions in the Conference are as follows:

Country Fact Sheet on Food and Agriculture Policy Trends

Reports & Research
Julho, 2017

Argentina is a major producer of agricultural goods, agriculture being a key sector both for its production scale and for its exports and GDP. The country is a leading food producer, with large-scale agricultural and livestock industries that have greatly benefitted from the commodity price boom of the past decade. From 2003 to 2015, the Government of Argentina pursued a growth-with-social-inclusion development strategy, introducing several measures in support of consumers through social protection, price controls and protectionist/restrictive trade policies.

Land expropriation without compensation: Possible impact on the South African agricultural economy

Reports & Research
Julho, 2017
África do Sul

Recently, in its policy conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 30 June to 5 July 2017, the African National Congress (ANC) once again put on the table the possibility of land expropriation without compensation. In his closing remarks on the last day of the conference, President Zuma stated that “where it is necessary and unavoidable, land expropriation without compensation may be pursued.”

Radiografía de la desigualdad

Reports & Research
Junho, 2017

Luego de 45 años, en Colombia se realizó un nuevo Censo Agropecuario en 2014, cuyos resultados fueron publicados en varias entregas parciales. A finales de 2016, el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) entregó los microdatos completos del censo.

2017 High Level Political Forum Thematic review of SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2017

The gender-responsive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development presents an enormous opportunity to achieve gender equality, end poverty and hunger, combat inequalities within and among countries, build peaceful, just and inclusive societies, protect and promote human rights, and ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. The SDGs provide an important framework for collective action to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls and the realization of their full enjoyment of all human rights.