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Displaying 1813 - 1824 of 5079

Climate Change Impacts on Rural Poverty in Low-Elevation Coastal Zones

Dezembro, 2015

This paper identifies the low-elevation
coastal zone populations and developing regions most
vulnerable to sea-level rise and other coastal hazards, such
as storm surges, coastal erosion, and salt-water intrusion.
The focus is on the rural poor in the low-elevation coastal
zone, as their economic livelihoods are especially
endangered directly by coastal hazards and indirectly
through the impacts of climate change on key coastal and

Gobierno y desgobierno en la actividad forestal: El caso del oeste riojano y catamarqueño (en Argentina), desde 1935.

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Hacia 1935, la extracción forestal en el oeste de La Rioja y Catamarca continuaba su intensa marcha de más de medio siglo, impulsada en un principio por la Actividad minera y ferroviaria y posteriormente por otras demandas extra-Regionales. A partir de la tercera década del siglo, la agricultura fue perfilándose como la alternativa prioritaria para alcanzar el buscado desarrollo regional. Por ello, recibió diversos tipos de fomento desde sectores gubernamentales, al contrario de lo sucedido en la actividad forestal, que permaneció con altos niveles de informalidad y desantención.

Analysis of Community Forest Management in Madagascar

Dezembro, 2015

The major role tropical forests play in
biodiversity and climate change has led the world to search
for effective ways to slow down deforestation. Community
forest management (CFM) is an example of the broader concept
of community-based natural resources management (CBNRM). As
part of the decentralization policy in many countries,
mainly in Africa and Asia, CFM was expected to promote: (i)
a more effective stewardship of the resources by involving

Review, Estimation and Analysis of Agricultural Subsidies in Mongolia

Dezembro, 2015

With global food crises and food price volatility in recent years, agricultural subsidies have once
again gained prominence as a policy instrument in many developing countries. In Mongolia too,
subsidies to the agriculture sector mainly through government budgetary transfers, have
increased over time. These gained prominence in 2008 when a global, regional (the drought in
Russia, and Kazakhstan, the two main suppliers to Mongolia), and the national food production

Paraiba State, Brazil

Dezembro, 2015

This report is comprised of two volumes:
(i) volume one: risk assessment; and (ii) volume two: risk
management strategy. Volume one continues with chapter one,
which characterizes the recent performance of the
agriculture sector, including agro-climatic and market
conditions. It also identifies the productive systems used
for this analysis. Chapter two describes the main risks in
the agricultural sector, capturing market, production, and

Bahia State, Brazil

Dezembro, 2015

The present study is part of an effort
by the World Bank and the State of Bahia to assess
agriculture sector risks as a contribution to the strategic
economic development and poverty reduction agenda of the
state government. It is composed of two phases: an
agricultural sector risk identification and prioritization
(volume one) and a risk management strategy and action plan
(volume two). The study provides practical elements for the

Reducing deforestation and enhancing sustainability in commodity supply chains: interactions between governance interventions and cattle certification in Brazil

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
América do Sul

A large number of governance interventions are being developed in order to reduce deforestation and enhance the sustainability of commodity

supply chains across the tropics. The extent to which individual agricultural commodity supply chain interventions can achieve scale, and

environmental or social objectives, depends in part on the ways in which those interventions interact with other interventions. We use a casestudy

of the new Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) cattle certification program in Brazil to explore the different ways in which governance

Financing Climate-Resilient Growth in Tanzania

Dezembro, 2015

Climate change is a core development
challenge in Tanzania, and the potential costs of inaction
are significant. Current climate variability (including
extreme events such as droughts and floods), already leads
to major economic costs in mainland Tanzania and in
Zanzibar. Individual annual events have economic costs in
excess of 1 percent of GDP, and occur regularly, reducing
long-term growth and affecting millions of people and

Practical experience of growing pistachio in Kyrgyzstan

Dezembro, 2015
Central Asia

Animated demonstration of practical experience from a farmer perspective to establish pistachio farm in south of Kyrgyzstan. The script for the video was developed by the farmer himself leading step by step through his experience to learn about pistachio and experience of establishing pistachio farm on rangelands previously used for grazing.

Climate and Disaster Resilience of Greater Dhaka Area

Dezembro, 2015

Megacity Dhaka encounters various kinds
of natural disasters quite frequently owing to its
geographical location and a number of other physical and
environmental conditions including low topography, land
characteristics, multiplicity of rivers and the monsoon
climate. Climate and disaster resilience is not the same in
all parts of a city. Spatial variations in resilience
patterns result from differences in the strengths and

Pueblo Mbya Guaraní: Comunidad Indígena Yvyratymi (Vega Cué)

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2015

Esta es la historia de la Comunidad Indígena Yvyratymi (Vega Cué), en Paraguay, que apenas logró recuperar una parte de su territorio, 205 hectáreas. Se trata de su retorno y el arraigo al territorio como el principio de la reconstrucción de su identidad y la armonía en sus vidas. La titulación de sus tierras se concretó en 2006, con el apoyo y gestión constante de las Carmelitas Misioneras.