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Ghana - Women's Role in Improved Economic Performance

Agosto, 2012

The Government of Ghana's program
to develop a gender strategy has been supported by the World
Bank. This article is based on a Bank-assisted sector study,
Ghana: gender analysis and policymaking for development. The
Bank team worked closely with Ghanaian Ministries of
Agriculture, Micro-finance, Education, and Health to
identify gender issues and study feasible recommendations.
Along with the government, a broad range of stakeholders

Prioritization Through Participation : Agricultural Investments in Cameroon

Agosto, 2012

Accounting for around a third of the
1996 Goss Domestic Product (GDP) of US$ 9 billion (second
only to oil), and almost three-fourths of all employment,
agriculture is a dominant sector of the Cameroonian economy.
Also, as in most African countries, poverty in Cameroon is
concentrated in rural areas, with more than 80 percent
(approximately 5.5 million) of all poor people living in
such areas. The Government of Cameroon's objectives

Listening to Farmers : Participatory Assessment of Policy Reform in Zambia's Agriculture Sector

Agosto, 2012

Since 1991, radical changes have taken
place in the policy and institutional environment governing
the agriculture sector in Zambia. Policies of liberalization
and privatization have entailed the replacement of
previously state-supplied agricultural services (notably
credit, inputs supply and agricultural marketing) by private
sector provision. The Agricultural Sector Investment Program
(ASIP), assisted by the World Bank, provides the context for

Mali - A Participatory Approach to Livestock Development

Agosto, 2012

The livestock sector in Mali accounts
for 43 percent of cattle exports in the Sahel sub-region.
However, while the sub-sector accounted for 28.6 percent of
agriculture's contribution to Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), investment in it amounted to only 10.7 percent of the
total budget allocation to rural development. The African
Financial Community (CFA) devaluation in January 1994
increased the competitiveness of red meat from Sahelian

Rural Development, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

Agosto, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

? This article outlines the role that
the World Bank will play in supporting a modified rural
development strategy for the Sub-Saharan Africa region: The
Bank will be more selective in targeting countries for
assistance in rural development programs, focusing on those
that demonstrate commitment to appropriate agricultural
policy and investment. It will expand its information,
education and communication initiatives to help governments

Office du Niger : Ensuring Food Security for Mali

Agosto, 2012

Located in the heart of Mali, the Office
du Niger (ON) is one of the oldest and largest irrigation
schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The French, who began the
scheme in 1932, planned on developing about 1,000,000
hectares over a period of 50 years. The original objectives
were to: 1) supply the French textile industry with a large
share of its needs in cotton; and 2) significantly
contribute to food security for the whole Sahelian region of

Fighting the Population/Agriculture/Environment Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa

Agosto, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Over the past thirty years, most of
Sub-Saharan Africa has seen rapid population growth, poor
agricultural performance, and increasing environmental
degradation. Why do these problems seem so intractable? Are
they connected? Do they reinforce each other? If so, what
are the critical links? This book tests the hypothesis that
these phenomena are strongly interrelated. The finding -
that this nexus is very much at work in Sub-Saharan Africa -

T&V Has a High Payoff

Agosto, 2012

T&V has a high payoff. A new
approach to petroleum exploration. More books for schools,
by A. Buchan, C. Denning, T. Read, D. Lacase, and S. Diop.
Better transport, by Phillip Moeller and S. Carapetis et al.
A new deal for mining. Public examinations: problem or
solution, by Kelleghan and Greaney. Nexus update. A
comprehensive approach to land management, by Walter J.
Lusigi and Bengt A. Nekby. Agriculture research to be revitalized.

Sustainable Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Agriculture in Zimbabwe's Rural Areas of Matabelel and North and South Provinces :
Zimbabwe Case Study

Agosto, 2012

This study researched Indigenous
Knowledge Systems (IKS) in agriculture in Zimbabwe's
rural areas, focusing on crop farming in the Tonga of Binga
District in Matebeleland's North Province, and
livestock in the Kalanga tribe of the Plumtree District in
Matebeleland's South Province. The study aimed to
uncover some of the knowledge that indigenous people used to
survive under the harsh climatic and physical conditions of

Involving Farmers : Social Assessment in the Estonia Agriculture Project

Agosto, 2012

Countries in transition from centrally
planned to market economies face several challenges when
planning investments. These include a lack of information
about beneficiary groups, particularly those in rural areas;
and the collapse of institutions maintained by the state
prior to transition. During preparation of the Estonia
Agriculture Project, the government sought World Bank
technical assistance to undertake a social assessment (SA)

Environmental Economics in Sub-Saharan Africa : Towards Sustainable Development

Agosto, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Environmental concerns must be
integrated into the development process, but African
countries still face many challenges as they work to achieve
development that is economically, socially, and
environmentally sustainable. Many countries have already
launched National Environmental Action Plans (NEAPs) and
National Conservation Strategies; however, in preparing and
implementing them, economics was used sparingly because

Managing Forest Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Challenges

Agosto, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

The note summarizes the findings of the
Africa Forest Strategy Paper, which responded to the
problems confronting forest resources in the Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA), providing a comprehensive overview, and
analysis of the forest sector, and mapping a set of actions
for consideration by African countries. The diagnosis
highlights the nexus between rapid population growth,
environmental degradation, and poor agricultural