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Owning the land, but at what cost? Changes in power relations and land accumulation in cattle ranching in wartime Colombia

Dezembro, 2022

Given the length of the conflict and multiplicity of actors embedded in the Colombian war, it becomes necessary to understand the impact that violence, displacement and dispossession have amongst rural producers and in the agroeconomic sector in general. The struggle for land tenure, the management of natural resources, and the economic and social centrality of cattle ranching for various armed actors, are therefore vital aspects to consider in understanding the effects of the conflict in rural Colombia.

Farmer Field Days Report in Makueni and Kitui Counties

Dezembro, 2022

Farmer field days were held in Makueni and Kitui Counties to showcase performance of improved drought-tolerant crop varieties - pearl millet, sorghum, pigeon pea and beans - under conventional and conservation tillage systems. The events drew diverse stakeholders including government officials, agro-dealers, seed merchants, farmers' organizations and financial institutions. Through farm walks and interactive sessions, farmers gained firsthand insights into the comparative performance of crops under the two tillage systems gaining insights on crop management for improved yields.

E-Extension and Digital Augmentation of the Egyptian Agricultural Sector

Dezembro, 2022

A major challenge is how to create authentic information and innovations for agricultural extension in the digital age. It can be challenging for extension agents and agriculture extension workers to provide farmers with the knowledge and innovations they need given the limited resources available. Many development projects that were planned outside of the village turned out to be unfamiliar with its issues and needs, making them less effective in resolving the farmers' agricultural concerns, particularly those related to agricultural operations.

Conflicts between Farmers and Livestock Breeders in Mali: A Review of Dynamics and Issues in the Mopti Region

Dezembro, 2022

The central delta of the Niger is characterized by the coexistence of various production systems sharing water
and land as common elements. These systems have long interacted, complementing and substituting one another through efficient socio-spatial organization. However,
several factors have led to the emergence of challenges between users of natural resources, especially farmers and herders. This makes the central delta of the Niger one of
the Sahelian regions where conflicts have taken alarming proportions.

How can pairing quantitative with qualitative data collection methods better elicit rice varietal selection? Evidence from Burundi

Dezembro, 2022

Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) is the selection by stakeholders of varieties in advanced testing stages by plant breeding
programs. With Burundi as a case example, this study incorporated qualitative Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) into the
quantitative PVS structure so as to elicit deeper insights into rice trait preferences and illuminate broader issues affecting rice
farmers. During two consecutive years, this study surveyed 174 participants across six stakeholder groups (administrators,

How can an agri-environmental scheme be designed for farmland bird protection, and what does it mean for the CAP 2023–2027?

Dezembro, 2022

Biodiversity loss is recognized as a major global threat. The European Commission has addressed this issue with vigour in its current strategy papers. Farmland birds, such as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), whose population has been rapidly declining in Germany, have been particularly affected. To date, the European Union has tried to tackle the problem of biodiversity loss mainly with voluntary agri-environmental schemes (AESs), which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

The Agroecology Transition: Different pathways to a single destination - Eight country experiences

Dezembro, 2022

Agroecology is a transdisciplinary, participatory, and action-oriented approach for co-designing options that enhance food system resilience, equity, and sustainability. Working in eight countries of the Global South, the CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology seeks effective ways to put this approach into practice.

Demonstrating the benefit of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries by bridging the public and private sectors

Dezembro, 2022

The agricultural transformation of Brazil through soybean intensification in the Cerrado biome is the closest model that Africa could follow, given the similarities in land mass, shared biophysical constraints (especially soil), ecological diversity and low population density11. However, a single integrated market and regulatory environment must be created, and African scientists must lead the scientific innovation in Africa.

An assessment and analytical report for integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) systems in Egypt

Dezembro, 2022

The study concludes that successful development of innovative IAA and sustainable scaling in Egypt require
creating innovative solutions to implement these systems. During the next 10 years, IAA will become an
important approach for sustainable development. Recommended innovations include the following:
• Help stakeholders use information communication technology (ICT), smart sensing and the internet of
things (IOT) for optimal use of resources.
• Adopt hybrid water management in the fish farm component of IAA by using both the flow-through

Determinants pedologiques, climatiques et socioeconomiques sur le choix des agriculteurs de la Casamance et du Senegal oriental a cultiver le riz de plateau

Dezembro, 2022

This paper investigates the determinants that may influence upland rice cultivation in Casamance and eastern Senegal. The main objective is to understand the climatic, pedological and socio-economic factors that explain the motivation of farmers in this southern zone of Senegal to grow upland rice. Various types of data were mobilized to highlight this study.

With and beyond sustainability certification: Exploring inclusive business and solidarity economy strategies in Peru and Switzerland

Dezembro, 2022

Certification of sustainability standards is an important governance strategy aimed at enhancing the human well-being outcomes of agri-food value chains. While the impacts of certification on well-being are positive for some farmers under certain conditions, they are insignificant or adverse for others. Many barriers can impede positive impacts of certification on well-being. Alternative or complementary strategies such as inclusive business and solidarity economy may challenge these barriers.

Rural underemployment and urbanization: Insights from a nine year household panel survey from Malawi

Dezembro, 2022

Rural labor markets in Africa are frequently characterized by underemployment, with farmers unable to fully deploy throughout the year one of their most important assets—their labor. Using a nine-year panel data set on 1,407 working-age adults from rural Malawi, we document changes in rural underemployment over this period and how they are associated with urbanization. Nearby urban growth results in increased hours worked in casual labor (ganyu) and in non-agricultural sectors, at the expense of work on the household farm.