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Rapport d'atelier sur le foncier au Senegal

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembro, 2021

Au demeurant, bien accompagner et appuyer les communautés locales dans la défense de leurs droits fonciers suppose une bonne connaissance des mécanismes nationaux et supranationaux de protection des droits fonciers des communautés. Or, si les premiers sont connus et mobilisés par les acteurs et organisations dans le cadre de leur travail, les seconds restent encore largement méconnus et donc peu mobilisés dans la défense des droits fonciers des communautés locales.

Weak Land Governance, Fraud and Corruption: Fertile Ground for Land Grabbing

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

Fraud and corruption are the main enabling mechanisms for land abuses in Brazil, guaranteeing impunity for land grabbers and other public and private agents involved in these schemes. This is what is evidenced in the research report, “Weak land governance, fraud and corruption: fertile ground for land grabbing,” which systematizes for the first time the relationship between these issues. Thereby, the study seeks to understand precisely why and how corruption and fraud associated with land grabbing occur.  


Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

O termo “grilagem” remete à prática antiga de forjar um título de propriedade e colocá-lo em uma gaveta com grilos para amarelar o documento, conferindo a aparência de um documento legitimo. As táticas se modernizaram, persistindo diversas práticas, conhecidas como grilagem, que buscam fraudar títulos e invadir terras com o objetivo de apropriar- -se indevidamente de áreas tanto públicas quanto particulares, muitas vezes com o auxílio de agentes corruptos, sejam eles da esfera pública ou privada.

Les forêts, les arbres et la diminution de la pauvreté en Afrique : Une synthèse politique élargie

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2021
Afrique septentrionale
Europe orientale
Malgré la richesse en ressources naturelles, la pauvreté reste un défi majeur dans les pays d'Afrique. Le continent abrite 70 % des personnes extrêmement pauvres du monde, dont beaucoup dépendent souvent des forêts, des arbres et des services écosystémiques qu'ils fournissent pour assurer leur subsistance. Bien qu'elles soient souvent négligées, les forêts et les systèmes arboricoles sont essentiels dans les efforts de lutte contre la pauvreté.


Manuals & Guidelines
Novembro, 2021

These messages were developed based on the field experience in fragile and crisis affected contexts of UN-Habitat and the partners of the Global Land Tool Network and the HLP Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster. They are a quick reference on how to empower women and protect their housing, land and property rights in fragile and crisis affected contexts and why this is an essential element to sustain peace and stability.


Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

Gender and land rights are closely intertwined with each other. Globally, more than 400 million women work in agriculture. Women comprise 43 percent of the agricultural labor force in developing countries, yet they account for less than 20 percent of landholders (FAO 2011). These disparities are even higher in some regions. In Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, 60 to 70 percent of employed women work in agriculture, with similar rates of land ownership (that is, less than 20 percent).

Large-scale Land Acquisition in Africa: Impacts;Conflicts and Human Rights Violations. The Case of Feronia in DRC

Novembro, 2021

The paper aims to understand what land rights women have under formal and customary legal systems in pastoral areas in Ethiopia;how these are implemented and what their impact is;and to make recommendations for their convergence. It focuses on two pastoral regions: Afar and Oromia national regional states. The research revealed that there is a high disparity between what the law says and what is being practiced on the ground as far as women’s land rights in pastoral areas are concerned.

Mujeres Rurales: entre el despojo y la persistencia

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe
El Salvador

La lucha de las mujeres por el acceso a la tierra es una cuestión de vieja data en la región. Factores históricos, políticos y socioculturales han sido parte de las barreras que han impedido a las mujeres, la tenencia y manejo de la tierra. Pero en las últimas décadas muchas de estas mujeres se han organizado para luchar con más fuerzas por este derecho.

Aunque la dinámica, los procesos y el contexto son diferentes, la lucha siempre es la misma: hacer realidad el derecho de las mujeres a tener su propia tierra.

Land Rights Matter – Global Programme Responsible Land Policy

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembro, 2021
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

In this introductory video to the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy answers are given to what it wants to achieve, how it works and why land rights are so important. The Global Programme is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union and works in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Laos, Madagascar, Peru (completed in 2021), Uganda and Paraguay (completed in 2018).


No Time To Waste: Climate Action Through Secure Land Rights and Sustainable Land Use

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

Land tenure is a particularly important issue in Asia, a region most prone to natural disasters and the impacts of climate change and home to the world’s poorest who depend on land for their lives and livelihoods. However, public understanding of the links between climate change, disasters, and land tenure is still very limited, even among civil society organizations.

Tenure security: Why it matters

Policy Papers & Briefs
Outubro, 2021

Collaborative international research on tenure dates back at least to the early 1960s when the Land Tenure Centre was established at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and conducted some studies in collaboration with CGIAR social scientists. CGIAR interest in tenure increased in the early 1990s when natural resource management was strengthened as a component of the CGIAR agenda and the Centers on forests, agroforestry, and water (CIFOR, ICRAF, and IWMI) entered the system.