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The Gender Dimensions of Poverty in Egypt

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2000
Sudoeste Asiático
Norte de África

Does poverty in Egypt have a woman's face? Is female poverty linked to their conditions in the labour market or levels of education? Are women particularly at risk in poor households? This report addresses the gender dimensions of poverty using the recent Household Expenditure, Income and Consumption Survey of 1999/2000 for Egypt. Poverty measures of males and females were found to be significantly different, in both urban and rural areas, where higher levels are observed among females than males.

Land Reform in South Africa: Problems and Prospects

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2000
África do Sul

An overview of land reform in South Africa, containing the integration of land reform and agricultural development; defining policy agenda; squaring circles – restitution, land rights, redistribution, the contradictions of land reform; going back to the beginning – reviewing reforms, land reform in historical and comparative perspectives; the ironies of the new – transferring land, policies, plans and outcomes.

Small Dreams Beyond Reach: The Lives of Migrant Children and Youth Along the Borders of China, Myanmar and Thailand

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2000

A Participatory Action Research Project
of Save the Children(UK)...

1. Introduction;
2. Background;
2.1. Population;
2.2. Geography;
2.3. Political Dimensions;
2.4. Economic Dimensions;
2.5. Social Dimensions;
2.6. Vulnerability of Children and Youth;
3. Research Design;
3.1. Project Objectives;
3.2. Ethical Considerations;
3.3. Research Team;
3.4. Research Sites and Participants;

Securing Customary Land Tenure in Africa: Alternative Approaches to the Local Recording and Registration of Land Rights: Report of a workshop held at IIED

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2000

Introduction and background, by Julian Quan (DFID); Piloting local administration of records in Ekuthuleni, KwaZulu-Natal, by Donna Hornby (AFRA, South Africa); Ivory Coast’s Plan Foncier Rural: lessons from a pilot project to register customary rights, by Camilla Toulmin (IIED); Customary land identification and recording in Mozambique, by Chris Tanner; Supporting local rights: will the centre let go?

Pa-O Relocated to Thailand: Views from Within

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2000

The Pa-O are one of the ethnic minorities of Burma. They live primarily in the Taunggyi area of southwestern Shan State. A smaller number live in the Thaton area of Mon State in Lower Burma. The Pa-O in the Thaton area have become "Burmanized" -- like their neighbors the Mon and Karen, they have adopted Burmese language, dress and customs. The Pa-O in southwestern Shan State have learned to speak Shan, but have maintained their own distinct language and customs, including their traditional dark blue or black dress.

Networking on Land Issues in Southern Africa: Operationalising the Land Rights Network of Southern Africa: Annexes

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2000

5 Annexes to Report of the LRNSA Interim Steering Committee meeting in Harare: agenda; networking activities undertaken by IUCN’s regional policy programme; by the SARIPS land programme; by the Mwengo land project; and under the CBNRM network.

Networking on Land Issues in Southern Africa: Operationalising the Land Rights Network of Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2000

Report of the Interim Steering Committee meeting of the Land Rights Network of Southern Africa in Harare. Contains summary of outcomes, background and objectives, progress report, network establishment, operationalising the network, planning the sub-regional conference, fundraising, next steps.

A Critical Analysis of the Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya: Sampled Reactions

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2000

The recently released report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya has sparked varying reactions from Kenyans of all walks of life. While some complain that the Commission did not complete its task per all its terms of reference, the land gurus are thrilled by the fact that the report makes many far reaching recommendations on the principles of formulating a National Land Policy Framework and the Constitutional Framework for Land Administration and Management.

LANDNET Africa: Report of the East African Sub-Regional Planning Workshop

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2000

Official report of the East African LANDNET Africa meeting held in Kenya in August 2000. Summarises welcoming remarks, the keynote address by H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo, and thematic presentations on women’s land rights in eastern Africa, common property networking at the global level, and land tenure networking issues in Rwanda. Also sub-regional LANDNET Africa updates, and country land tenure networking updates from Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, plus identification of priority issues and future plans. Lists addresses of participants and the workshop programme.