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The State of Support for Open Data in Land Governance

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2019

This September, the Land Portal hosted an online dialogue on ‘Open Land Data in the Fight Against Corruption’. This responded to a dual recognition that corruption remains a major issue in land governance, and that open data has been identified as a powerful tool in the fight against corruption. At the same time, gaps remain between the promise and the reality of open data in the land sector. Poor data availability, underdeveloped theories of change, and a lack of implementation support have all contributed to slowerthan-desired progress in data publication and use over the last decade.

As Áfricas Brasileiras

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

O Brasil possui um passivo social e histórico com as comunidades quilombolas, marcado pela escravidão e a exclusão. As questões fundiárias são aquelas que mais afligem essas comunidades, que lutam pela regularização ou ampliação de seus reduzidos territórios. Embora seja visível o avanço jurídico representado pela legislação desde a Constituição de 1988, as comunidades quilombolas são marcadas pela vivência cotidiana de conflitos por terra.

Land Degradation Neutrality: Interventions to Foster Gender Equality

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2019

Women constitute the bulk of people who rely on land in many of the regions most affected by desertification, land degradation and drought. One in three people on earth depend directly on agriculture, while nearly 80% of employed women in least developed countries report agriculture as their primary livelihood. Food availability fluctuations also impact women’s role in food production and intra-family food distribution, with women often reducing their nutritional intake and that of their children, with dire health consequences.

Documents required for formal recognition of land tenure rights and transactions for 68 countries

Novembro, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean

This table provides a listing of official documents required for the legal recognition of land tenure rights and land transactions. The database covers 68 countries in the world, including most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. This database was prepared for national statistical organizations, research institutes and others undertaking population surveys on land tenure. It will enable them to prepare questionnaires and facilitate the coding of land documents reported by respondents.

La politique foncière de privatisation des terres collectives à l’épreuve des réalités d’appropriations et des conflits

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2019

Les terres collectives font l’objet depuis 2014 de plusieurs débats autour de la réforme de leur gestion. Trois nouvelles lois les concernant depuis fin 2019 promeuvent leur privatisation, appelée aussi melkisation, en favorisant l’investissement agricole par les ayants droit et l’ouverture aux investisseurs privés. Cet article propose une analyse croisée du processus politico-juridique de cette réforme et des réalités locales envisagées en termes d’accaparement de terres par les ayants droit.

Theories of Land Reform and Their Impact on Land Reform Success in Southern Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2019
África do Sul
África austral

Our purpose is to present and test a typology of land reform theories as a means of understanding and interrogating the motives behind land reform and to better equip land administrators and policymakers to enact land reform programs that are appropriate for their contexts. Here, land reform is understood to include the related concepts of land redistribution, land restitution, land tenure reform and land administration reform. The theory typology thus has application for land restitution programs specifically operating in the global South.

Land forum and regional assembly members report

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa

The meetings addressed the progress of the International Land Coalition for Africa (ILC), its strategic priorities, and as well, developed ideas on how to apply lessons learned. ILC focuses on providing specific recommendations that instigate land policies that satisfy the agenda of the African Union. The event featured forums on gender justice, and women’s land rights in relation to feminist land and community land protection.

GLTN Gender Strategy (2019–2030): Towards Securing Women’s and Girls’ Land and Property Rights

Training Resources & Tools
Outubro, 2019

The GLTN Gender Strategy (2019-2030) provides a framework for designing land tenure and governance interventions around women’s and girls’ land and property rights. It affirms our commitment and motivates our partners to do more to secure land and property rights for women and girls. It underpins the centrality of gender equality in resource sharing and allocation, including land as a productive resource for women and girls.

Masterclass Curriculum: Open Data in the Fight Against Corruption

Training Resources & Tools
Outubro, 2019

The curriculum “​Open in Practice: Using Open Data, Knowledge Sharing and Information Management Systems in the Fight Against Land Corruption”​ is being developed to increase land professionals understanding of concepts relating to Corruption and Open Data, and identify how open land data can contribute to addressing the lack of transparency, poor accountability, and increase the participation of civil society actors in land administration, land-based investments & land policy related information.

Will Bougainville Reopen the Panguna Mine?

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2019

The Panguna mine on the Pacific island of Bougainville is one of the largest copper and gold deposits in the world. 

The mine was also at the center of a decade-long civil war fought between the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and the Papua New Guinea Defense Force in the 1990s. The conflict cost as many as 15,000 lives and displaced 40,000 of the island’s 200,000 inhabitants.

Indonesia's land reform: Implications for local livelihoods and climate change

Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2019

One of the main components of Indonesia's Just Economy policy is extensive and rapid land reform, which targets about 12% of the country's land area for redistribution to farmers and communities by 2019. Much of the reform is occurring on forest land. At the same time, the country has pledged a significant reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, two thirds of which is to be achieved from forests. Hence agrarian reform potentially conflicts with emission reduction commitments.