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Impacto del conflicto armado en los medios de vida de la población afrodescendiente del corregimiento de Tutunendo municipio Quibdó, departamento del Chocó

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016

La investigación rastrea el impacto del conflicto armado en los medios de vida de la población del corregimiento de Tutunendo en el municipio de Quibdó, departamento del Chocó. El trabajo interpreta el modo y los medios de vida de los moradores afro descendientes de este territorio, para poder dar cuenta de las transformaciones sociales, culturales, políticas y económicas que han tenido lugar debido al impacto del conflicto armado.

La visión de desarrollo y su incidencia en la implementación del acuerdo uno (1) de La Habana sobre desarrollo rural integral, desde el enfoque de paz territorial y los mecanismos construidos por las comunidades negras en el Medio Atrato

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016

Este trabajo da cuenta de la visión de desarrollo y su incidencia en la implementación del acuerdo uno (1) de la Habana sobre Desarrollo Rural Integral, desde el enfoque de paz territorial y los mecanismos construidos para la consecución de la paz en sus territorios por las comunidades negras en el Medio Atrato Chocoano.

Custodians of the land, defenders of our future

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016
Sri Lanka

Since 2009, Oxfam and others have been raising the alarm about a great global land rush. Millions of hectares of land have been acquired by investors to meet rising demand for food and biofuels, or for speculation. This often happens at the expense of those who need the land most and are best placed to protect it: farmers, pastoralists, forest-dependent people, fisherfolk, and indigenous peoples.


Land Rights Matter! Anchors to Reduce Land Grabbing, Dispossession and Displacement

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

“It is paradoxical but hardly surprising that the right to food has been endorsed more often and with greater unanimity and urgency than most other human rights, while at the same time being violated more comprehensively and systematically than probably any other.”

Richard Cohen, in Causes of Hunger, 1994

We are defending the land with our blood: Defenders of the land, territory and environment in Honduras and Guatemala

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2016

An insidious wave of threats, bogus charges, smear campaigns, attacks and killings of environmental and land activists in recent months has made Honduras and Guatemala the most dangerous countries on earth for those protecting natural resources, Amnesty International said in a new report six months after the brutal murder of Indigenous leader Berta Cáceres.

Why property rights matter

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

It is widely accepted among economists and policy-makers that secure and well-defined land property rights are integral to poverty alleviation and economic prosperity. But how do legal systems, land tenure and economic development really relate to one another? Our author demonstrates the links using her latest research results from 146 countries.

Tanzania’s Village Land Act 15 years on

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

The year 2016 marks 15 years since the new wave land reforms became operational in Tanzania. Despite its ambitious goals – encouraging land registration and titling, and empowering women and other vulnerable groups – the results are disillusioning. A brief overview of 15 years of implementation, using the Village Land Act as a case study.










Making the SDGs count for land rights

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

Does the inclusion of land rights in the global development agenda bear the potential to promote the secure and fair distribution of land rights? Yes, our author believes – provided that the land-rights community does not rest on its laurels and really addresses the crucial aspects.

“We can‘t be satisfied yet“

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

On the 11th May 2012, the Committee on World Food Security of the United Nations adopted the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT). Rural 21 asked Roman Herre of the human rights organisation FIAN about his views on the implementation of the Guidelines so far.