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Empoderamiento legal de las mujeres: lecciones aprendidas desde actividades basadas en la comunidad

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janeiro, 2012
República Democrática del Congo

En 2010 y 2011, la Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) financió cinco proyectos comunitarios que promovían el empoderamiento legal de las mujeres rurales. Los proyectos fueron el piloto de modalidades innovadoras dirigidas a fortalecer los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra, pero también identificaron modelos para ser replicados y ampliados.

Autonomisation juridique des femmes: enseignements d’activités communautaires

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janeiro, 2012
République démocratique du Congo

En 2010 et 2011, la Coalition internationale pour l’accès à la terre (ILC) a soutenu cinq projets communautaires encourageant l’autonomisation juridique des femmes en milieu rural. Ces projets ont non seulement testé des méthodes innovantes pour améliorer les droits fonciers des femmes, mais ont également identifié des modèles à reproduire à plus grande échelle.

Coastal Land Tenure Reform COSTA RICA - Socio Environmental CONFLICTS

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2012

This work aims to contribute to the debate on social conflicts generated by coastal development and the process of land tenure reform as a conflict resolution mechanism. We will present the case of the Territorios Costeros Comunitarios reform movement (TECOCOS) currently mobilized in Costa Rica and integrated by over 60 coastal communities. This reform movement initiated in reaction to a recent wave of planned evictions threatening specific coastal communities on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, following a decade of aggressive coastal tourism development.

Whose Land? Whose Forest? Whose Water?

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2012

Ekta Parishad along with support organisations launched a decisive movement called Jan Satyagrah whose focus was to bring together people’s voices for a ‘National Land Reforms Act & Policy’ as a broad framework and means of land re-distribution to the landless and homeless poor.

What shall we do without our land? Land Grabs and Resistance in Rural Cambodia

Institutional & promotional materials
Dezembro, 2011

Political dynamics of the global land grab are exemplified in Cambodia, where at least 27 forced evictions took place in 2009, affecting 23,000 people. Evictions of the rural poor are legitimized by the assumption that non-private land is idle, marginal, or degraded and available for capitalist exploitation. This paper: (1) questions the assumption that land is idle; (2) explores whether land grabs can be regulated through a ‘code of conduct’; and (3) examines peasant resistance to land grabs.

Eviction and Resistance in Cambodia: Five women tell their stories

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2011

ABSTRACTED FROM THE FORWARD: Forced evictions frequently lead to the breakdown of community networks and informal support systems relied upon by women in their daily lives. they often mean disruption of children’s education, diminished access to health services and a deterioration of the family’s mental and physical well-being. because many victims of forced eviction are resettled in areas far from urban centres and work opportunities, husbands spend long stretches of time away from their families, leaving their wives to cope alone with daily household chores and family needs.

Overview of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade: Baseline Study 4 - Myanmar

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2011

In the early 20th century, the scientific management of Myanmar’s natural forests under the Myanmar Selection System (MSS) was world-renown.1 By the 1970s, the MSS began to break down. Today, the application of scientific forestry in the country has been marginalized. Timber remains a significant source of revenue, although relatively less for the national Myanmar government as multi-billion dollar oil, gas, hydropower and other energy related contracts surge.

Recognizing and Reducing Corruption Risks In Land Management in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Corruption in land management from the perspective of a simple risk framework. These risk factors and forms of corruption spring from more general shortcomings in the integrity framework. In this regard, this report argues that corruption is most likely to occur when an official or office has a monopoly, when the official or office has a great deal of discretion over how the decision is taken, and when there is little accountability for that decision or transparency, which might make it harder for the corruption to proceed unabated.

USAID Country Profile: Property Rights and Resource Governance - Cambodia

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2011

OVERVIEW: Cambodia is a largely agrarian country that emerged from a history of political strife and instability into a period of steady economic growth. However, the country started from such a low base that even after a decade of growth averaging 7% per annum, GDP is only $650. Cambodia is ranked 176th out of 213 countries in terms of purchasing-power parity. Poverty rates have reduced somewhat, but they remain higher than in most countries in the region and are only slightly lower than in Laos.