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Desenvolvimento de Quem?

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

Desde 1999 que governos estrangeiros deram um grande apoio financeiro e político à construção da fundição de alumínio da Mozal em Moçambique. Metade dos custos de construção da Mozal vieram diretamente, ou foram garantidos por instituições públicas. Em troca, estas e os investidores privados têm recebido grandes retornos em lucros e juros. O governo de Moçambique, em contrapartida, tem ganho muito pouco. Por cada $1i pago pela fundição ao governo de Moçambique, estima-se que $21 deixem o país em lucros ou juros para governos e investidores estrangeiros.

COAL VERSUS COMMUNITIES: Exposing poor practices by Vale and Rio Tinto in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2012

Mozambique has attracted two of the world’s largest mining companies – Brazil’s Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (Vale) and the Anglo-Australian multinational Rio Tinto – to extract coal from the huge fields in Tete province. In 2010, Vale and Rio Tinto were the second and third most valuable mining companies on earth – worth US$169 and US$83 billion respectively.

Perspectivas de la agricultura y del desarrollo rural en las Américas Una mirada hacia América Latina y el Caribe 2013

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2012
América Latina e Caribe

Este documento es fruto del esfuerzo conjunto de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (cepal), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (fao) y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (iica). Su elaboración estuvo a cargo de un grupo interinstitucional  compuesto por Javier Meneses, Adrián  Rodríguez, Mônica Rodrigues y Octavio Sotomayor de la cepal; Byron Jara y Salomón Salcedo de la fao; y Joaquín Arias, Rafael Trejos y Hugo Chavarría del iica.

Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (EIRP) Afghanistan- UTF /AFG/035/AFG Final Report

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2012
Estados Unidos
Países Baixos

The Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (EIRP)-UTF/AFG/035/AFG started in April 2004 and concluded in December 2011. The project was funded by the World Bank (WB) through one credit and three grants provided to the Government of Afghanistan (GoA) for implementation through the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW). The project is supported with technical assistance (TA) provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN).

Understanding carbon loss and potential interventions in Manica, Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2012

Understanding how land use and its changes affect forest cover and carbon stocks is fundamental to developing sound REDD+ delivery options. A study in Manica Province, a REDD+ pilot area for Mozambique, suggests biomass and forest carbon fell substantially between 2007 and 2010. The study combined radar remote sensing information (to measure changes in biomass and carbon stocks) with field investigations (to establish land use and land cover changes, and their causes). Small-scale agriculture is responsible for nearly half of the loss.

Revising the Land Law to Enable Sustainable Development in Vietnam

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2012
Ásia Oriental

Vietnam's rapid and sustained economic growth and poverty reduction in the last two decades benefitted from the policy and legal reforms embodied in the Land Laws of 1987, 1993 and 2003 and subsequent related legal acts. This note outlines reforms related to four main themes. The first relates to the needed reform for agriculture land use to create opportunity to enhance effectiveness of land use as well as to secure farmers' rights in land use. Prolonging the duration of agricultural land tenure would give land users greater incentives to invest and care for the land.

Interpretación de los principios y criterios del FSC en manejo forestal

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2012
Costa Rica

Con este curso, se lograr dar un pleno conocimiento a los propietarios, administradores y empleados de proyectos forestales sobre los requisitos de los diez principios y criterios (P&C) de la certificación forestal FSCTM. EL FSC es la certificación con mayor éxito a nivel mundial y tiene características únicas, como por ejemplo que involucra terceras partes, los resultados son públicos entre otros e incluye temas ambientales, sociales yeconómicos.

Mozambique’s coming natural resource boom

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2012

Mozambique is set to become a world-class natural resource exporter with projections indicating that it will experience rapid increases in windfall revenues over the next several decades and well beyond. While this is welcome news for a low-income country with a substantial proportion of the population below the poverty line, it foreshadows some economic management problems ahead. The main concern is the poor economic record of many other low-income countries with large natural resource endowments.

Assessing the Carbon Benefits of Improved Land Management Technologies

Agosto, 2012

Ensuring food security under changing
climate conditions is one of the major challenges of our
era. Agriculture must not only become increasingly
productive, but must also adapt to climate change while
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Soil carbon
sequestration, the process by which atmospheric carbon
dioxide is taken up by plants through photosynthesis and
stored as carbon in biomass and soils, can support these

Tracking Results in Agriculture and Rural Development in Less-Than-Ideal Conditions : A Sourcebook of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation

Agosto, 2012

The demand for verifiable evidence of
results and impacts of development agricultural programs and
projects is growing. However, most of the indicators that
development practitioners have traditionally used in
tracking progress toward achieving projects' objectives
focus on the workings of the development operation itself.
These performance indicators relate mainly to lower-level
inputs and outputs and are used to populate management

Understanding the Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Honduras

Agosto, 2012

With a population of seven million,
Honduras is the second most populous country in Central
America. It is also the second poorest country in the region
with an annual per capita income of less than US$ 1,000. Two
out of every three people in Honduras are poor (per capita
income less than US$ 1.50/day); and three out of every four
poor people are extremely poor (per capita income less than
US$ 1.00/day). Social indicators such as child malnutrition