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Technical Cooperation Project – Support to countries to address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU). Thirty-fifth session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)

Reports & Research
Junho, 2018
Sri Lanka
Papua New Guinea

Meeting Name: Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)
Meeting symbol/code: APFIC/18/INF-10

Profil de Pays – Niger

Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2018
Burkina Faso

Ce profil de pays décrit l’état des ressources en eau et l’utilisation de l’eau, ainsi que l’état de la gestion de l’eau agricole dans le Niger. L’objectif de cette monographie est de décrire les particularités du pays et les problèmes rencontrés dans le développement des ressources en eau et de l’irrigation en particulier.

Jamaica and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Junho, 2018

Jamaica joined FAO in 1963. In 1978, the Organization established a representation in Jamaica which today also covers

the Bahamas and Belize. Over the years, FAO has partnered with Jamaica to achieve sustainable agricultural and rural

development, mainly through the Organization’s Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). Interventions have ranged from

policy formulation to technical agricultural development and emergency assistance projects. Recent cooperation has placed

Tajikistan and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Junho, 2018

Cooperation between Tajikistan and FAO has been ongoing since the country joined the Organization in 1995. FAO

assistance was initially provided in the form of short-term emergency interventions in response to a locust outbreak and

also to help the transition to stability after a period of civil war. More recently, cooperation has focused on rehabilitation

and development interventions to build a sustainable agriculture sector and food and nutrition security.

Profil de Pays – Maroc

Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2018

Ce profil de pays décrit l’état des ressources en eau et l’utilisation de l’eau, ainsi que l’état de la gestion de l’eau agricole dans le Maroc. L’objectif de cette monographie est de décrire les particularités du pays et les problèmes rencontrés dans le développement des ressources en eau et de l’irrigation en particulier.

Zimbabwe and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Junho, 2018

Zimbabwe and FAO have partnered in development since the country joined the Organization in 1981. Cooperation

has grown in recent years, with interventions ranging from capacity development at the institutional level as well as

for extension staff and farmers to the creation of market linkages and a conducive policy environment. In providing

assistance, FAO focuses on improving income opportunities, strengthening food and nutrition security, and developing

sound policies across agriculture-related sectors, including forestry and fisheries.

Yemen and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Junho, 2018

The FAO Country Representation in Yemen opened in 1990. Since then, FAO has provided support to farmers, herders, and

fishers and supported the improvement of agricultural production and productivity in the country. FAO is also working with

the Yemeni authorities in an effort to reach the goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Sierra Leone and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Junho, 2018
Sierra Leone

FAO has been operational in Sierra Leone since 1978. Since then, targeted interventions have greatly helped to improve

food security and agricultural practices in the country. Today, FAO continues to be an important provider of technical

support, in collaboration with other UN agencies, NGOs, civil society and rural communities. Current cooperation efforts

focus on eliminating hunger, improving food security and nutrition and achieving sustainable agriculture through

improved farming methods as well as environmental protection.

Djibouti et la FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
Junho, 2018

La République de Djibouti et la FAO n’ont cessé d’intensifier leur coopération depuis l’ouverture de la Représentation de l’Organisation

en 2008. De nombreux domaines, comme l’accès à l’eau, les productions végétales, animales et halieutiques, l’aquaculture et la

foresterie ont bénéficié de l’assistance de la FAO. La FAO continue de renforcer sa collaboration avec Djibouti, en mettant l’accent sur la

résilience et les initiatives de développement durable, y compris les projets ciblant les agropasteurs.

A review of trends, constraints and opportunities of smallholder irrigation in East Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2018

Smallholder irrigation expansion would signi cantly increase agricultural production, and reduce food insecurity and poverty levels in East Africa. This paper reviews literature on trends, constraints and opportunities of smallholder irrigation in four East African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Irrigation development has been slow in these countries, and has been mainly through traditional schemes.

Centralized versus distributed reservoirs: an investigation of their implications on environmental flows and sustainable water resources management

Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2018
Sri Lanka

Storage of surface water is widely regarded as a form of insurance against rainfall variability. However, creation of surface storage often endanger the functions of natural ecosystems, and, in turn, ecosystem services that bene t humans. The issues of optimal size, placement and the number of reservoirs in a river basin – which maximizes sustainable bene ts from storage – remain subjects for debate. This study examines the above issues through the analysis of a range of reservoir con gurations in the Malwatu Oya river basin in the dry zone of Sri Lanka.

Voices from the mine: Artisanal diamonds and resource governance in Sierra Leone

Maio, 2018
Sierra Leone

Voices from the mine’ is a new 33-minute documentary film by University of Bath researcher, Dr Roy Maconachie. It focuses on resource governance in Sierra Leone's artisanal diamond mining sector, tracing the pathway of diamonds from pit to market, and documenting the stories of different stakeholders along the way. In doing so, the film depicts the challenges of local level governance in the sector, shows why benefits do not accrue to those working at the bottom of the chain, and sheds light on why it is so difficult to formalize artisanal mining.