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Políticas públicas de desenvolvimento rural no Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2015

Mudanças importantes ocorreram no cenário político institucional e nas dinâmicas sociais nos últimos vinte anos no Brasil. O marco inicial destas transformações pode ser fixado a partir da promulgação da nova Constituição que rege o tecido jurídico e societário brasileiro na atualidade. Todavia, fixar uma marca temporal é sempre complicado quando se trata de entender os pro‑ cessos sociais e suas mudanças, especialmente quando sabemos das interfaces entre passado e presente.

Os sítios sagrados no arquipélago de Bijagós

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2015

O arquipélago dos Bijagós, na Guiné-Bissau, ocupa um lugar preponderante entre os grandes
monumentos naturais do litoral oeste africano. Com cerca de 80 ilhas e ilhéus dispersos sobre
aproximadamente 10.000 km², constitui um espaço natural e cultural particular ainda bem
preservado, não obstante a crescente pressão externa e as novas lógicas de desenvolvimento
socioeconómico. Este equilíbrio é mantido graças a uma forte integração de valores culturais
e naturais, mantida graças à noção do sagrado ainda fortemente presente no seio das sociedades

Closing Yield Gaps: How Sustainable Can We Be?

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2015

Global food production needs to be increased by 60–110% between 2005 and 2050 to meet growing food and feed demand. Intensification and/or expansion of agriculture are the two main options available to meet the growing crop demands. Land conversion to expand cultivated land increases GHG emissions and impacts biodiversity and ecosystem services. Closing yield gaps to attain potential yields may be a viable option to increase the global crop production. Traditional methods of agricultural intensification often have negative externalities.

Workshop on irrigated land tenure in the Sahel (Task Force for implementing the 'Dakar Declaration')

Conference Papers & Reports
Maio, 2015
África Ocidental
Burkina Faso

This is the report of a workshop held on 8 and 9 June 2015 in Bamako, Mali, to present and discuss the results of a study on securing irrigated land tenure in the six countries within the Permanent Inter-State Committee for the Fight against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS) in the context of the "Dakar Declaration".

Decision No. 734/QD-TTg approving the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Dong Nai province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025.

Maio, 2015

This Decision approves the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Dong Nai province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025, with the following principal contents: To further bring into play the existing comparative advantages and internal resources in association with mobilizing external resources to maintain a fast and stable growth rate. To develop industries in depth and in an environment-friendly manner, prioritize the attraction of investment in hi-tech industrial projects and supporting industries of mechanical engineering, electricity and electronics.

Efficient routes to land conservation given risk of covenant failure

Reports & Research
Maio, 2015

Conservation initiatives to protect valued species communities in human-dominated landscapes face challenges linked to their potential costs. Conservation covenants on private land may represent a cost-effective alternative to land purchase, although many questions on the long-term monitoring and enforcement costs of covenants and the risk of violation or legal challenges remain unquantified. We explore the cost-effectiveness of conservation covenants, defined here as the fraction of the high-biodiversity landscape potentially protected via investment in covenants versus land purchase.

The Neoliberal Agricultural Modernization Model: A Fundamental Cause for Large-Scale Land Acquisition and Counter Land Reform Policies in the Mekong Region

Conference Papers & Reports
Abril, 2015

This conference paper examines how the ideology and programmatic set of policies coined in the term ‘neoliberal modernization’ applies to agriculture and practices in the Mekong region.

Decree No. 35/2015/ND-CP on management and use of land for rice cultivation.

Abril, 2015

This Decree, consisting of 15 articles divided into five Chapters, prescribes the effective management and use of land for rice cultivation; support policies for rice-growing localities to protect and develop land for rice cultivation nationwide. It applies to: domestic agencies, organizations, households and individuals and foreign organizations and individuals involved in the management and use of land for rice cultivation.The Decree is divided as follows: General Provisions (Chap. I); Management and Use of Land for Rice Cultivation (Chap.

Land Management and Land Administration Projects in Southeastern Europe

Institutional & promotional materials
Reports & Research
Abril, 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina

After the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the end of the latest Balkan wars, countries in Southeastern Europe had to reorganize their land management and land administration systems. Whereas in the Caucasus region privatization and first property registration were the main challenges, in the former Republic of Yugoslavia, essential objectives were the return of collectivized, confiscated property through restitution or (re)distribution, as well as the updating and harmonization of traditional land registry and cadaster systems and their conversion to modern systems.

Lavouras Transgênicas: Riscos e Incertezas

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2015

Esta publicação representa a continuidade do trabalho iniciado por Magda Zanoni, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), no sentido de discutir os riscos das plantas transgênicas para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Em sua atuação no MDA e como representante do Ministério na CTNBio, Magda dedicou esforços para chamar a atenção à importância desse debate.

Growing sustainable agriculture in Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2015

In Mozambique there is strong support for sustainable agriculture from different actors, with approaches including agroforestry and conservation agriculture increasingly promoted throughout the country by the
Ministry of Agriculture, civil society, farmers’ groups and development agencies. Research trials and anecdotal evidence suggest that these practices increase yields, are more resilient and are economically accessible for small-scale farmers. Despite this, uptake among smallholders remains low.