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Reform State-Owned Forest Enterprise and Ethnic Minority Land Tenure Security in Vietnam

Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2016

During revolution and national unification, Vietnamese government nationalized agricultural and forest land throughout the country. While agricultural land was de-collectivized in the Doi moi reforms since mid-1980s, the majority of forest and forest land has continued to be managed by state enterprises. For members of Vietnam’s 53 recognized ethnic minority groups, the formation of state-owned forest enterprises (SFEs) has meant the end of customary tenure arrangements, leading to exclusion from traditional lands used for agriculture, hunting, and collection of non-timber forest products.

Redress for Historical Land Injustices in Kenya. A Brief on Proposed Legislation for Historical Land Injustices

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2016

Land has been and remains a politically sensitive and culturally complex issue for Kenya. Kenya’s history with regard to the land question is characterized by indications of a breakdown in land administration, disparities in land ownership, tenure insecurity and conflict. It was therefore against this backdrop that land reform was identified as an essential component of Kenya’s National Dialogue and Reconciliation (KNDR) process and in particular, agenda item 4 on addressing long standing issues.

LDGI Survey

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2016

Public land is a resource that should be effectively managed in the public’s best interest in line with provisions of the Constitutions of Kenya and the Land Act. The management framework governing land use and development decisions on public land should ensure protection and sustainable management of the land. Despite these provisions in law, recent media reports point toresurgenceof public land grab. The Land Development and Governance Institute commissioned this research study to establish the status of the public land management in Kenya.

Corruption risks and mitigation measures in land administration

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2016

Corruption in land administration has significant societal costs, and can have a major effect on the livelihoods of people worldwide. Corruption in this sector can reduce peoples’ access to land, and harm the livelihoods of small-scale producers, agricultural labourers, indigenous communities and landless rural and urban poor. Women, young people and ethnic minorities suffer most by having their access to land hindered by corruption.


Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015
A questão da terra é um dos pontos nevrálgicos de Moçambique, cujo destaque ampliou-se com a democratização do país em 1990 e a tentativa de adequação da economia ao novo contexto político interno e internacional, que inclui a possibilidade de investimentos privados, assim como o uso e a ocupação das terras moçambicanas.


Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2015

As months of protest and civil unrest hurl Ethiopia into a severe political crisis, a new report from the Oakland Institute debunks the myth that the country is the new “African Lion.” Miracle or Mirage? Manufacturing Hunger and Poverty in Ethiopia exposes how authoritarian development schemes have perpetuated cycles of poverty, food insecurity, and marginalized the country’s most vulnerable citizens.

The Energy Act, 2015.

Legislation & Policies
Novembro, 2015

A Bill for AN ACT of Parliament to consolidate the laws relating to energy, to provide for National and County Government functions in relation to energy,to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the energy sector entities; promotion of renewable energy; exploration, recovery and commercial utilization of geothermal energy; regulation of midstream and downstream petroleum and coal activities; regulation, production, supply and use of electricity and other energy forms; and for connected purposes.

Namati Welcomes Sierra Leone’s Progressive New National Land Policy

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2015
Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone’s new National Land Policy, recently approved by the cabinet, presents a progressive and ambitious plan for protecting land rights that will strengthen women’s access to land, give communities a bigger say over land management and create a better framework for major land investments. All of which is urgently in need if Sierra Leone’s future development is to benefit the entire nation.

Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos en el Chaco Paraguayo: La lucha por la tierra

Training Resources & Tools
Setembro, 2015

Este libro es una secuencia de relatos de casos cargados de emotividad, empatía e identificación con los defensores y las defensoras del derecho a la tierra. Este trabajo es una denuncia política insistente sobre la desigualdad estructural.

Ceñido a la descripción y ejemplificación de hechos graves, se puede ver en el presente un indudable patrón de respuesta del Estado y sus instituciones, sesgado a favor de los intereses de latifundistas y terratenientes y represivo hacia aquellos defensores y defensoras.

Stakeholder Strategies for Sustainability Impact Assessment of Land Use Scenarios: Analytical Framework and Identifying Land Use Claims

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2015

Despite scientific progress in operationalizing sustainable development (SD), it is still hampered by methodological challenges at the regional level. We developed a framework to analyse stakeholder based, SD targets for future land use, which are characterized by different impact levels and spatial references. The framework allows for the analysis of land use demands in the context of SD. We identified societal use targets in north-eastern Germany, particularly for the area type’s lowland fens and irrigation fields, represented through strategy documents.